Hello Everyone!!  Apologies for my long absence, just been working and watching dramas and living life. Hope you all been well, and I'm super glad that everybody is posting again.  I was worried that my favorite forum game was losing the people, but alas that was all in vain.  

Congrats for the 1k post, lets go for 10k,  then 100k, then 1 Mil.  

8/10 - "Are you okay?   If not it's okay, not to be okay."  

Guess who lol...

Girl from Nowhere


Hello Everyone!!  Apologies for my long absence, just been working and watching dramas and living life. Hope you all been well, and I'm super glad that everybody is posting again.  I was worried that my favorite forum game was losing the people, but alas that was all in vain.  

Congrats for the 1k post, lets go for 10k,  then 100k, then 1 Mil.  

8/10 - "Are you okay?   If not it's okay, not to be okay."  

Guess who lol...

Girl from Nowhere 

Welcome back :)

How are you? 


Awwwww…..”the look” in his eyes


Hey Lily...I'm good just been living and maintaining.  How about yourself ?

10/10  Love and Coffee.  The perfect combinations that produces "Coffee flavored kisses " awesome gif awesome 

Hi, I am good thank you ...:) 

I think this background song will be prefectly suited for your FL. 



The Love You Give Me

(☉__☉”) How to rate this gif...

9/10  I'm assuming the little kid is asking him that for someone else obviously lol.


Hi, I am good thank you ...:) 

I think this background song will be perfectly suited for your FL. 

Good to know everything is fine and dandy with you.  Also nice choice with that bgm song,  It's has a upbeat tempo with a seductive tone to it, I can see this as one of Nanno's many bgm songs.  

Thank you :)

Yeah it is popular bg score for a decade .


My Country: The New Age
Anyone watched this drama?

Your Welcome ;D

10/10 - I watched My Country when it premiered and I loved every second of it.  

Although the ending had me feeling like this⬇️ 


Wishing all those who celebrate a blessed and Merry Christmas! May this holiday season bring you happiness and joy, and be a time of spiritual rejuvenation


Your Welcome ;D

10/10 - I watched My Country when it premiered and I loved every second of it.  

Although the ending had me feeling like this⬇️ 


10/10 haha poor  eunhyuk

It's Okay, That's Love

Hello everyone ,welcome to camp !!

happy weekend