they always turn out bad

I prefer eating chocolate, but...

that stuff has to much calories!

i love my parents, but...

sometimes they really interfere too much even if meaning well

I have never been scuba diving, but

I really want to

I like exercising but..

I always sweat a lot and turn red even if the exercise is not difficult at all

I want to buy a huge yacht, but...

I just woke up and shouldnt be dreaming anymore cause I'm broke

I wanna travel abroad but..

need to pay my loans

I ate all my favorite food yesterday, but...

I had the poops afterward.

I wanted to lay and stay in bed all day, but...

i have to much to do.

my friends are awesome, but....

they can be annoying as well

I just woke up, but...

I want to go back to sleep.

cooking is fun, but...

it takes a lot of time

School is must but.......

why is school so boring?

autumn is the best season, but.. rains a lot and is gloomy.

I just finished painting my nails, but...

I don't like the color.

I ordered clothes online, but...