Me too.

I’m the type who gets lost in work, but cam watch drama  for 48 hours straight.


I'm the type that uses a blanket all year long

Me too

I'm the type that is always cold

half n half

I'm the type that has a low pain tolerance 


I'm the type to always sleep and ignore doing my chores


I'm the type who can make a serious conversation about various topics.

aren't we ALL?

I'm the type who can make friends easily

depends on my moods

I'm the type that loves animals 

me too

I'm the type that loves a sad ending.


I'm the type to yell/talk loud AT the TV while watching my dramas/movies

haha me too

I'm the type to become obsessive and re-watch a drama over and over again.

yes...done it many times. Lol

I'm the type that feels I am not in the right century

me too

I'm the type that likes traditional clothing


Im the type that has done research on my family tree

me too

I'm the quiet type