Wait for confession 

wyr listen to a huge playlist of songs you hate or listen to that one song you like all the time 

listen to that one song I like all the time

wyr meet your favorite singer or meet your favorite actor


WYR eat noodles or rice


Would you rather date someone you love or date someone who loves you?

Date someone who loves you 

wyr eat unhealthy junk all the time and feel sick or eat healthy stuff that dont taste good

eat healthy 

Travel to Korea or Japan?

Japan ofc

WYR eat potatoes in your vegetables only forever OR not eat a potato ever

not eat a potato ever

Would you rather have a terrible boss but a great job or a great boss but a terrible job?

maybe I’ll lose my job if I have a terrible boss so I choose Great boss but terrible job

Being average at everything or excelling at one thing?

Average at everything  

easy job but long hours or hard job but short hours

Hard job

WYR have every cat or dog that gets lost end up at your house or everyone’s clothes that they forget in the dryer get teleported to your house?


WYR live on the moon or aboard a space ship


Would you rather speak all languages or be able to speak to all animals?

Speak all Languages

loads of coins or Loads of karma points


WYR be a great dancer or a great singer