Bad guy

WYR be rich or famous?

Be rich( coz I feel like famous people get a lot of hate that they don't even deserve)

WYR be in a Thriller or a Romance drama


WYR only be able to whisper or only able to shout?


WYR live near sea or near volcano ? 


WYR be trapped on an elevator with your worst enemy,or trapped with your ex boyfriend who cheated on you with your best friend


WYR be the FL in Flower of Evil or Kill it

flower of evil

WYR live in a place where there is always night or day


WYR live forever or die early

live forever

WYR play guitar or piano? 

I play the piano already

WYR get stabbed by your idol or get stabbed by your crush


WYR be single forever or have a crush on your best friend's husband/wife

Single forever (i decided that already,lol:)

WYR have more than 4 kids or less?


WYR live in a world without Internet or a world without food

Without food 

WYR use only spoon or only fork? 


WYR hike in Scottish Highlands or  hike in Snowdonia Wales