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WYR be popular on  instagram or youtube


wyr be forever in university or forever working


Wyr travel by train or boat


wyr be next to a smelly person for 3 hours in a bus or 6 hours with no one next you

6 hours with no one next to me

wyr have 3 meters long arms or always be followed by a ducks family 

ducks family

wyr rather always overcook your food  (till the point it is unedible) or undercooked it


Wyr be stuck in the woods with a man or a bear


wyr drink hot or cold coffee all the time


wyr mosquitoes or cockroaches go extinct


wyr be able to teleport or read minds

Read mind

WYR work in a friendly place with low income or a toxic one with high salary ?

work in a friendly place with low income

WYR settle in japan with a chinese actor or settle in china with a korean actor 


WYR live in a hot country or always cold?

Hot (since I already do might as well embrace it haha)

WYR live in 16th century or 19th century England

16th century

wyr rather be able to travel unlimited to south America or aftria