I'll say past, but it depends on how far past.

WYR take baths or shower?


WYR  eat japanese or chinese food

japanese food

wyr have telekinesis (the ability to move things with your mind) or telepathy (the ability to read minds)?

telekinesis - I think it would be horrifying to be able to read minds.

WYR be a superhero or a superhero's sidekick?


wyr eat only ice cream as a dessert or cakes  for your whole life

ice cream

WYR eat whole wheat bread or a fruit bread (like raisin bread)?

Fruit bread

WYR be a leader or follower

Be a leader

Wyr buy something you like or something useful 

Ideally one that serves as both haha

WYR  learn to drive and have to be careful and have extra expenses with your car or not learn to drive and don't have to worry about buying one

Never drive.

WYR have a hair style that looks good but is hard to maintain, or something more casual.


WYR get the iphone 13 pro max or android?


wyr have the power to fly or teleport


When you're shopping, do you prefer to need a coupon to pay less on a full-price item, or for the item to be reduced in price for everyone.


WYR own a dog or cat


WYR be without internet or without dramas (for the purpose of the choice, let's say you can't use the internet to watch dramas)