Write a book

WYR dream of the future or of the past

dream of the future

wyr do sports or do arts


WYR study at a university or college ?

university? don't actually know the difference (from what i know its college (pre-u) first then university (degree)

wyr be able to have the abulity to go in the past or future


WYR cry for someone who died who is close or close of a friend

Don't understand, sorry.

light dinner

wyr read novels or read poetry

Read Novels

WYR Write a poem or write a novel


Would you rather be a writer or a director 


wyr be stuck in a room with no sunlight or a lot of wind

a lot of wind

Wyr live in an area which is prone to tsunamis or tornadoes 

tsunamis, with a short walk to the ocean

WYR dress too warmly for the weather, or not warmly enough?