
WYR dance in public or broadcast your singing on any social media

Dance in public

WYR watch a modern C-drama romance or a historical C-drama romance


WYR live in a place where there is always night or day 


WYR lie about what you think to a friend or tell them the truth even though it could hurt them?

Depends on the situation really, if hearing the truth would be important even if it might hurt, I would tell them. If it's an innocent white lie then I'm okay with not being straightforward.

WYR only taste sweet or salty if you had to give up the other?


WYR wear silver or gold jewelry 


Would you rather be a writer or a director 


WYR wear the same socks forever or not wear socks at all

Not wear socks at all.

WYR do ASMR for one whole year or use text to speech on your phone to communicate with everyone you meet?


Wyr be able to watch new dramas or only be able to rewatch your favorite dramas?

New dramas because I've already rewatched my favourites a few time lol 

Wyr go back to  the past or to the future?


WYR go far away to reach your dream or stay with your beloved person 

Go far away to reach my dream.

WYR go to a party with your favourite actor/actress or get an autograph from them?


WYR live alone or with someone 

With someone 

In case your bf suddenly showed up at your house, wyr be in pyjamas or tracksuit?