
WYR work from home or from office ?


WYR meet your favourite singer or actor


WYR have a lot of friends or a few but confident ?


WYR get stabbed by your idol or get stabbed by your crush

 get stabbed by your crush

WYR have more time or more money?


WYR do ASMR for one whole year or use text to speech on your phone to communicate with everyone you meet?

Text to speech, since my voice isn't made for 


Would you rather sleep for 10 years without ageing or never be able to sleep again while still fully functioning as a human

without ageing xD

WYR get chased by a dog,or get chased by a rat

Get chased by a dog . It's probably even the other way around that I'm chasing the dog and that he's running away from me :") 

Wyr be able to speak any language or travel to any destination you would

Travel to any destination, I just want to see the world more

WYR time travel to the past or future

The past all the way

Wyr be alive at a time where aliens invade the earth or wyr be around when dinosaurs are brought back alive

I'd love to see aliens :d but also dinosaurs sounds a great idea

WYR sleep for 24hrs or be awake for 24hrs?

Sleeeeeep all the way, I love sleep too much & I've tried the whole staying awake for 24 hours and it did not go well

Wyr be able to stop or be immortal


Wyr be rich but without friends or be poor/middle class but with alot of friends 

rich without friends 

WYR only be able to listen to the song you love or only listen to a variety of different songs you hate?