
WYR write a novel or draw a comic 

draw a comic

WYR live in a hot or cold country?


WYR travel by plane or train?


WYR live underwater or high in the mountains?


WYR confess to someone knowing they might not feel the same way Or hide your feelings in fear of rejection? 

I'm not sure because I haven't been in love with someone for a long time but I think that I would confess my love only if I'm sure the other person feels the same way too or maybe I'll just wait for them to confess lol

Wyr live where the weather is very hot or very cold?



WYR get chased by a lion or a gorilla


wyr live without music or live without watching tv 

Same drink

WYR have a pet dog or cat?


Would you rather sleep for 10 years without ageing or never be able to sleep again while still fully functioning as a human ? 

never sleep again

wyr live in outer space or live underwater

Under water

WYR visit California or New York 

already live in CA, so NY

WYR scuba dive or sky dive


WYR meet your favourite singer or actor


WYR date someone who is older or younger than you?