
WYR time travel to the past or future

relive the past

WYR go on a cruise ship or tour bus

Cruise ship

WYR see the aurora borealis or the Eiffel Tower 

Aurora Borealis

WYR have a bigger bedroom or bathroom 

Bigger apartment with no view

Wyr have no eyelashes or have no eyebrows?


WYR sleep 6 hours a day or 8 hours? 


If you were a singer WYR be a solo artist or be in a band? 


Wyr wear shoes or go barefoot forever

Wear shoes

WYR own a pet python snake or pet tarantula? (If you had to choose one)


If you were in Squid Game WYR be a contestant or one of the pink suits/masked guards? 


WYR be the main lead in a romance or action/thriller drama?