Kowtow - Be excessively meek and obedient

lauricomous: having hair like bay-leaves 

absquatulate -  to flee/leave quickly

mogue: to deceive someone with words or flattery

Nomex - a flame-resistant meta-aramid material  (Military flight suits are made of nomex)

oast - kiln to dry hops or malt

Pandemonium - wild and noisy disorder or confusion; uproar.

quahog - type of edible clam

Refulgence - a radiant or resplendent quality or state : brilliance

Sequacious - (of a person) lacking independence or originality of thought


an annuity shared by subscribers to a loan or common fund, the shares increasing as subscribers die until the last survivor enjoys the whole income
  • a scheme for life insurance in which the beneficiaries are those who survive and maintain a policy to the end of a given period

Unctuous - Excessively polite or flattering, too suave or oily, characterized by smooth pretense of earnestness

Veracious - speaking or representing the truth

Whemmle- To whemmle something is to turn it upside down, in particular while you’re looking for something, or else to use as a cover or lid. So placing an upturned plate over a bowl of food is properly called whemmling.

Xenophobia - Dislike or fear of people from other countries