EDIT 6.1.20 - Let‘s do A-Z unique words.  Look at latest post and give a  word  that begins with the  Next letter in the alphabet.

For example:

axle - noun: axle; plural noun: axles; a rod or spindle (either fixed or rotating) passing through the center of a wheel or group of wheels

next word:

baisemain - kiss on the hand

*****what this game started as*****
It’s the same game where you give a word to the last letter of the previous word. However, you must give a short description or meaning to the word you pick.

I will start with TACE - to be silent (Latin)

EVOCATIVE - makes you remember something pleasant

Ensanguine - To stain or cover with blood.

Eclectic - Deriving ideas or style from a wide range of sources

Circumflex - The accent mark put above a vowel to indicate a sound change (â for example).

Xenophobia  => extreme dislike or fear of  people from other countries

Argle-bargle — copious but meaningless talk or writing

Ecru - A colour. It's almost like a washed out beige.

ubiquarian - one who seems to be everywhere at once

Esoteric - to be meant for or understood by only a select few with a specific knowledge or interest.

Collocation => how words go together or form fixed relationships.

Nagano - A city near Nagoya with pretty nature

Obfuscate - verb, Make unclear or hard to understand

exchange - give something and receive something of the same kind in return.

eutony. the pleasantness of a word's sound; similar to the word “euphony” which is any harmonious or sweet sound

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