NapEarth - flying , very low-altitude flight course used by military aircraft to avoid enemy detection and attack in a high-threat environment. During NOE flight, geographical features are used as cover, exploiting valleys and folds in the terrain by flying in, rather than over, them.

Oil Pan - the bottom section of the crankcase of an internal combustion engine, serving as the reservoir for its lubricating oil

Pluviophile - One who loves rain; the sound of rain, feels joy & peace of mind in rain or during rainy days

Quisling - A traitor

Refulgence - a radiant or resplendent quality or state : brilliance

Scurrilous - Insulting and abusive; slanderous


an annuity shared by subscribers to a loan or common fund, the shares increasing as subscribers die until the last survivor enjoys the whole income

  • a scheme for life insurance in which the beneficiaries are those who survive and maintain a policy to the end of a given period

Unctuous - Excessively polite or flattering, too suave or oily, characterized by smooth pretense of earnestness

Vermouth - a red or white wine flavored with aromatic herbs, made chiefly in France and Italy and used in cocktails.

Whemmle- To whemmle something is to turn it upside down, in particular while you’re looking for something, or else to use as a cover or lid. So placing an upturned plate over a bowl of food is properly called whemmling.

Xenium - a present given among the ancient Greeks and Romans to a guest or stranger and especially to a foreign ambassador

Yobbo -  (British) lout, yokel; hoodlum

Zeta - the sixth letter, a number value of 7, in names---it means born last

Avuncular - Kind and friendly towards an younger person

BAFFLEGAB-argon-filled talk that sets out to clarify something but ends up only confusing things