Juxtapose - place or deal with close together for contrasting effect

lout ~  to bow in respect ~ lout as the queen passed by ~ 2SUBMIT, YIELDlouted to the emperor 

Mellifluous: sweet sounding

Neophilia -  love of or enthusiasm for what is new or novel

Onerous: burdensome, troublesome, and oppressive

The task of defending the criminal was so onerous the noh Ji Wook had to hire another lawyer into his small law firm to help him in the case.

Penury: an oppressive lack of resources (as money) severe poverty

Han Ji Pyung after growing too old to live in an orphanage found himself in penury and depression as the orphanage only gave him 2 million won to start a new life.

Qiviut - the wool of the undercoat of the musk ox

Rakish - dashing, yet slightly disreputable.

Saccade - a rapid movement of the eye between fixation points.

Torpor- Extreme mental or physical suggishness

As a spy, the Ahjussi next door was trained to never succumb totorpor caused by all-nighters, but when he played with the neighborhood kids it was not the case.

Ughten -  the part of the night immediately before daybreak

Voluble: talkative speaking easily;glib

The voluble speaker gave a Key Note speech that was the length of a movie


A German word meaning world view, used to mean someone’s philosophy of life.


combination of xylophone and marimba