
(of a word) having many syllables or (of a piece of writing) using many long words

ubiquitous - existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time; omnipresent

whodunit - a detective story or mystery story

zack - An old southern English dialect word meaning “to walk hesitantly.”

Absquatulate- to leave somewhere abruptly 

Televisiophobia is the fear of watching television


Televisiophobia is the fear of watching television 

This is supposed to be alphabetical

CACHINNATE - Derived from Latin, cachinnation is loud or raucous laughter, and to cachinnate is to laugh loudly or immoderately. Something that is cachinnatory, incidentally, makes you cachinnate.


CACHINNATE - Derived from Latin, cachinnation is loud or raucous laughter, and to cachinnate is to laugh loudly or immoderately. Something that is cachinnatory, incidentally, makes you cachinnate

oops, my bad