Multinucleate:  Having two or more nuclei

Nemesis: a person or a thing that is very difficult to defeat 

Omniscience- The capacity to know everything

Pocong, also known as wrapped ghost, is an Malaysian and Indonesian ghost that is said to be the soul of a dead person trapped in its shroud.

Quote - (verb) repeat or copy out (a group of words from a text or speech), typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker.

Recalcitrant: stubbornly resistant to or defiant of authority or guidance;

difficult to manage or deal with;

resistant to chemical decomposition; decomposing extremely slowly.

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - extraordinary

Thereabouts: near that place; about there;

about that number, amount, or time.

Vehemently - (adverb), in a forceful, passionate or intense manner; with great feeling

"I denied such accusations vehemently"

Wall (Anatomy, Zoology) - the membranous outer layer or lining of an organ or cavity.

"the wall of the stomach"

xenophobiafear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign. 

synonyms: prejudice, intolerance, bigotry, insularity, parochialism, isolationism, ethnocentrism, ethnocentricity, racism, racialism, nationalism, jingoism 

Yardstick:  a graduated measuring stick one yard in length

a test, standard, or model used in measurement, comparison, or judgment

Zaftig - having a full, rounded figure, typically used for women

Addle - ad·dle
/ˈadl/  make unable to think clearly; confuse.

Babirusa: large wild pig of Indonesia