the person above me thinks that ferrets will destroy the human race
the person above me has traveled to Africa and Russia in the same afternoon
The person above me a well known traveler and he travel the world on foot... how insane is that...
one day the person above me was on her way to work. She was running late because her alarm clock was broken. At least thats what she told herself but actually it was her own fault. She had been up all night downloading her favorite drama, How to steel some ones lips accidentally on purpose. Staring the lemon ho guy and Yoon Eun Hye. As she rode her favorite form of public transport, a donkey led by a young child, she thought how good it would be to accidentally have her first kiss with some one like that Lemon Ho guy. As she fell further and further into her own fantasy unbeknownst to herself she began to drool. Sitting behind her on the donkey(this was a genetically engineered donkey that could sit 12 occupants plus luggage) was a man dressed in fine cloth. He didn't seem the type to be riding such strange means of transport but thats a different story all together. The man noticed the unsightly drool on Ej101's face and decided he must act. Ej was surprised to see the handkerchief floating in front of her. first she look at it in bewilderment then caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror(these donkeys have those as well)and she understood. She quickly grabbed the hanky and wiped her face. Ej never being one to get to embarrassed by her own antics, turned to thank the stranger and was frozen by the sight. Sitting behind her, she hadn't even noticed, was the exact type of man she had just been fantasizing about. He had (some lemon ho quality) and also (some other lemon ho quality). She thought he looks just like that Lemon Ho guy. For the first in her life Ej felt embarrassed, and the beginning of some other totally new emotion. For the remainder of the ride she sat clutching the handkerchief felling the presence of the man to her back like a hot blaze of a fire. Once again she let herself slip into her fantasy and once again she had to use the hanky. As the donkey reached her stop she realized this maybe her once chance to boldly follow that whim called love at first sight. So when the donkey stopped she dismounted and waited for the Lemon Ho like man to do the same. She waited and waited and waited. After a minute she realized the donkey had left and so had the man. But what to do, she still had the yearning feeling in her stomach and the man's hanky. But by this time the donkey was to far away to do anything about it. So Ej just went on to work. The day passed like molasses down the side of whatever trees molasses comes from. Ej couldn't get the man out of her head and the hanky remained clutched in her hand the rest of the day. Good thing she only worked as a dispatcher for the donkey transportation service, so only one hand was needed for her work. And finally the day had come to a close. As she walked to her Donkey stop she wondered if she would ever meet that man again, and if he was mad she stoled his hanky. She thought of his (same Lemon Ho qualities mentioned earlier) and (the other quality). She thought if i tried really hard she might even recall his face as if he was right there. So she squinted her eyes and imagined with all her might. It worked!! It was as if he was right in front of her. Ej101 pulled her best Eun Hye impression and said in her tragic ' i'm trying to hard to be sexy' voice. "here is your hanky, i hope you didn't miss it. To her complete surprise the mirage answered her back. "Not a problem i carry several" When she un-squinted her eyes, she saw the man before her smiling that Lemon Ho like smile. Ej could have died at that moment from embarrassment and joy. Before more could be said the donkey arrived and both of them mounted. It was one of the new donkeys, these were organized so that it could carry 16 passengers but they had to be facing each other. And luck would have it that Ej101 sat face to face with the man she had been dreaming of all day long. These donkeys had another feature that made them less desirable to ride, they were incredibly unstable and bumbled and rumbled down the road. Usually Ej hated these donkeys but today she was receiving divine inspiration from this bumpy ride. She remembered the drama she had watched the night before. How Eun Hye had found herself in the same situation and how she had used it as an excuse to "accidentally steal Lemon ho's lips". Much like the adorable Eun Hye, Ej set her mind to make this a ride to remember. of corse in Korea they use rhinos for transportation which makes the trick easier to accomplish but Ej was undeterred. She properly position herself and waited for the right bump to come along. She waited and waited until she felt the inertia pushing her upwards and towards the man's face. Pow!! As she apologized for giving the man a black eye, she still decided to continue. The donkey moved again. Pow!! this time she broke the man's nose. Still she couldn't give up. Once again she felt the force of love and gravity pushing her onwards. She will never forget the man's frighten face as he realized Ej was coming again. The man moved trying to dodge another blow, inadvertently placing his lips in the direct path of Ej's. It was a love-drunk Ej that swayed home that night. Remembering the day's events, the feel of the man's lips, his final words to her. "If you stay away from me I won't report you for sexual harassment" Oh he was angry but Ej couldn't care less. It was her precious memory, the kiss she "accidentally" stole from the most Lemon Ho like man she had ever seen. Sometimes Ej would pull out that hanky the man threw at her as she ran away giggling. To this she'll pull it out and reminisce about that day, tracing her fingers over the name embroidered in it with fine silk thread. Thisguy2011. And this is how Ej101 accidentally kissed some one Thisguy2011 version
The person above me took 3 years to write that
LOL @ thisguy2011 your version way too long mine only 10 words lmao but that was really hilarious a very entertaining story.. the person above is the book agent and his editor.. Because it took him 3 yrs to wrote this epic love and tragic novel. she cut all his deals and book signing and tours and then throw the guy above her in the gutter of love desire A holic st... and since then no one ever heard of him ever. but his stories remain coz her agent sold it out a million copies of that missing orig author the end.
the person above me kind of wishes my story was true oh it actually took 30 mins to write that story and it was totally worth it cause i laughed all the time. Especially when you giggled and ran away but went back to pick up the hanky. I didn't write that part but i think it was implied
The person above me think he is Mark Twain but then again he hopes hes Houdini as well.
the person above me ate my dog
The person above me ate my cat..
the person above me ate my goldfish!
the person above me is a mermaid who can change into human if someone tickled her hard , and I'm here to help her XD
the person above is tinkerbell
The person above me likes tickling people to death
the person above me was tickled to death by the person above them