
Aww well

2. History 4: Close to you (those two were on fire! Their chemistry was awesome, I just loved how well they fit and completed each other in every aspect!)

3. Kiseki: dear to me (Their story was very catching (growing up as orphans together, always helping each other.. plus, they looked so sweet together. They felt very natural together (not like the mains. Also, their plot was far more interesting in comparison to the main pairing. ))

tell us the character name please. not everyone already watch it to know which one u mean...

@ Komentator isenk: done :)

4. Let‘s talk about chu (Yu Sen x Yueh : Only watched for them (gave me Mickey and Ian vibes (Series: Shameless). Loved their plot, how they get together was nicely done imo. Also they made a cute pair as well)

5. Once Again (Sadon couple - Dahee and Jaeseok, their story was so entertaining I watched mainly for them and they were so healthy too)

6. dark blue kiss - sun & mork's story was by far more enjoyable than the main couple imo. they were so cute and had good chemistry

And here I always consider them in HIStory4: Close to You as the first/main couple, not the second haha.

7. Voice in the Rain - Mai and Porsche

8. Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey - Pick and Rome - something about the main couple was just too mild and innocent for me compared to Pick and Rome, plus Rome was so cute being direct with Pick and not being afraid of hiding his feelings.