
Sometimes iQiyi's pages for Gen Y S2 episodes mess up so bad that it's difficult to get the links to them.
So with the help of BadPennyGirl, I managed to get all the links!
Please note: you'll need a VPN set to Thailand to view these if you don't live there. It also seems like at least once a week, the page for GY2 doesn't work, so don't be surprised if you click on these and they don't work. I don't know why this happens- maybe weekly maintenance...?

Viewing Order Recommendation:
(Some of the special episodes  may have what some would consider small spoilers, which is why I'm recommending this order, but you don't have to watch them in this order.)
SP 2 and R1 after Ep 4
SP 3 after Ep 2
SP 4 after Ep 5


Ep. 1
Ep. 2
Ep. 3
Ep. 4
Ep. 5
Ep. 6
Ep. 7
Ep. 8
Ep. 9
Ep. 11
Ep. 12 (Finale)

Special Episodes
(These are 8-10min long, behind-the-scenes clips)
SP 1
SP 2 (BankBo focus)
SP 3 (KimCop focus)
SP 4 (DunBas/ThanuWayu focus)
SP 8 (PokTong recap) (45mins)
SP 9 (MarkKit recap) (1h28m)
SP 10 (ThanuWayu recap) (2h15m)

[Videos of screen partners reacting to a specific scene(s) they've acted in]

R1 (BankBo/PokTong focus, ep4 spoilers) (SP 5)
R2 (DunBas/ThanuWayu focus) (SP 6)
R3 (KimCop/MarkKit focus) (SP 7)

** - iQiyi called these Reaction videos on social media, but they are labeled as "Special Clips" on the list of episodes on the app/website. I'll keep these separated, though.

I'll update as these are released.

The only time my links to episodes mess up is when my VPN connection is leaking signal.  In which case, disconnect from the Thai server you are connected to and then reconnect.  It will fix the problem and the eps will work again.

I watch it on Drama Cool. So far, so good....


I am at Ep 7... Oh My GOD!!! The story doesn't move fast enough... I'm dying! LoL! 

Majority of this season, there are more of the cold time between Thanu & Wayu. I can't wait to get to their sweet time.

Bumping as a reminder that I've updated the list!
They were 10-20mins late in posting the link the last weeks, so it may happen again next week.

Also, there doesn't seem to be any more special episodes after episode 4 )): I really enjoyed the BTS scenes.

One last thing: Star Hunter Entertainment posts screencap previews usually a couple of hours or even days before the episode airs. They tend to show more than what the episode previews do. If you're interested in seeing those, I recommend following their ig or twitter!

Apparently there's a special episode (BTS footage) that was posted on Star Hunter's YouTube channel, but you have to pay to see it. I have no idea if it's going to be uploaded on iQiyi at any point.

Thank you for always putting the iQiyi links!


Thank you for always putting the iQiyi links!

No problem! Glad I could help :]

According to iQiyi's twitter, there will be iQiyi-only recap episodes for both ThanuWayu and MarkKit, like what they did for PokTong.

I believe both of them will come out on the same day, March 10. MarkKit at 3pm and ThanuWayu at 9pm EST.