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About time. I literally just finished watching half of episode 1 and I can't do it.  The actress was so boring to me and their was no chemistry at all.

I didn't even start it yet. From teasers it doesn't look that captivating. I really hope I like it.


Mistresses - too much angst for me

The title itself it's already a turned down.

Shall We Live Together....

It just wasn't working for me despite Yeo Hoi Hyeon being in it.....


Between too?! I will keep watching, at least I will try my best.

I've kept it aside for a while cz subtitles aren't easily available and the plot is clichéd. I'll try once it's completely subbed but won't touch it till then. We hav some good n cool dramas coming baby \(^o^)/


Come and Hug Me since it is too depressing 

Thankyou for your review, i was about to strt it but i hate depressing dramas. 

I usually don't drop dramas (as I often feel obliged to finish it in order to clear it from my list and to write a review) but after watching first three episodes of You Who Came From Another Star, I don't think I'll handle another one...


That Man Oh Soo. Seriously, I tried to watch it like on 5 different occasions, but it dragged so badly, I just CANNOT finish it. 

The one before that was Only Side by Side with you. Loved the start, but got really annoyed with it. 

I have kept That Man Oh Soo on hold. Still thinking if i should try to pick it up again or not. 

As for Only Side By Side is concerned, the very first episode was annoying. The weird plot and the main lead girl dressed like an ajhumma, not at all captivating! I dropped just after ep1 cz i knw they won't be able to drag it much with the drone concept. 

I'm thinking about dropping Fated to Love You

The Liar and His Lover 

I mainly watched it for Lee Hyun Woo but the drama just wasn't my type

Joshu Seven (wanted to give a shot for a japanese drama, but I still don't like some mannerism in their acting)

Suspicous Partner (It has been on my watching list for way too long without any progress)

My Husband Oh Jak Doo (I liked the beginning but it's not enough to last for 24 episodes)


I usually don't drop dramas (as I often feel obliged to finish it in order to clear it from my list and to write a review) but after watching first three episodes of You Who Came From Another Star, I don't think I'll handle another one...

Honestly wish I would have dropped less, but sometimes the scriptwriters and the cast don't leave us another choice.

I dropped You Who Came From Another Star pretty quickly. 

These days I have no time anymore for older dramas when there are so many new ones coming each month.


I've kept it aside for a while cz subtitles aren't easily available and the plot is clichéd. I'll try once it's completely subbed but won't touch it till then. We hav some good n cool dramas coming baby \(^o^)/

Yes, I can't wait for more new KDramas that are coming this June!

"Between" Tdrama I will keep watching for now.


I'm thinking about dropping Fated to Love You

Thought to watch it few months ago, but then changed my mind. I don't regret it. ;)

That Man Oh Soo and High Society ://

love rerun 

but honestly i drop waaaaaay too many dramas like i hardly ever finish a drama bc a drama needs to grab my full attention in order to complete it if one episode is boring i will drop it and i hate that i do this but i can’t help it lmao