Miss Rose.

Its an older Taiwanese drama. Made it to episode 9 before realizing the 2nd FL would be the main source of conflict till the very end.

The Confidence Man JP 

One and done/ too ridiculous to continue


City Hunter.

I dropped it too. Because of the FL?


I dropped it too. Because of the FL?

I just wanted to say that I avoid anything with her now. She plays the same character over and over and it's hella annoying.

Q Series: Close Your Eyes Before It's Dark 

one and done- this was so boring

Your Highness, The Class Monitor (2019) it was ok for the first episodes but it got boring around ep 22 

Everyone Wants To Meet You, I really wanted to watch this to the end, got to Ep.18. Got tired of the rich girl's plotting, to rid of the main girl. Plodded through Eps 19 & 20.....and that was it....

Nobody Knows

was looking forward to the FL but idk I just don't feel like watching it 

Alone In Love

Made no sense. 

Good thing about this social distancing is I'm getting through a bunch of dramas/ movies.

Nee Sensei, Shiranai No? Just wasn't feeling it. 

I've fallen for you. Just not my cup of tea, for history drama's I like them to be more realistic than fantasy/comedy