Having said that, if you feel that she doesn't reciprocate your feelings, it might be best to sit with your feelings for a while before doing anything. Sometimes it can be other feelings that increase the urgency to want someone.  

Probably the least comfortable answer to hear but, when you love someone, who doesnt love you back, it can hurt in the long run, and it might do well to sort your feelings out, your own mind out, before acting on anything. 

In the chance that your intuition is correct and she only sees you as a friend, it makes moving on a little easier. 

If it goes the other way, and you both go for it, I have the belief that when love is real, it will work through anything because that's what humans do when they truly love something. 

That's really smart 


We're infiltering P4's harem to rescue his boys. He only wants Fluke it would seem. The other 50 need good homes LOL

Lol who we taking?

What should I do if I have feelings for a friend?

love is complicated and to me there is 2 options : the hopeful side and the realistic side

the hopeful side is to be direct and confess your feelings , trying is much better than not trying

the realistic side to me is: if i feel like its 50/50 chance yes or no then id confess but if im sure its not mutual then id not, id take some distance to clear out my feelings

im someone who tend to use the realistic side much more but i believe there is no this right and this wrong here, do what feels right to you and you can take your time, wishing you luck ^^


Is American Fan alright, because their profile is gone? 

Huh? wdym?


Is American Fan alright, because their profile is gone? 

their profile is not gone


Huh? wdym?

they quoted me earlier, and I went to reply and clicked on their profile and got the message telling me that the url doesnt exist. So either they're trying to delete the account or i've been blocked lol 

October Challenge (Day 29) Do you prefer Apple or Samsung, and if neither, what is your preferred phone brand?

i prefer android phones

 Arc en ciel:
October Challenge (Day 29) Do you prefer Apple or Samsung, and if neither, what is your preferred phone brand?


 Arc en ciel:
im someone who tend to use the realistic side

In the past I confessed to the wrong people so now I'm hesitant to do so. I guess stalling is me preferring realism now. Thanks for your advice! ^^


Just started To My Star and I found the first connection to Where Your Eyes Linger.

TB Ent : the entertainment company Kang Seo Joon is signed to-- is most likely a subsidiary of TB Group. The company owned by Han Tae Joo's father. We also see Kim Pil Hyun's role reprised (the frenemey in WYEL), where he is now older and the CEO of TB Ent. (which would make sense because his father was  a member of TB Group)

omg, good job!!!


Just started To My Star and I found the first connection to Where Your Eyes Linger.

TB Ent : the entertainment company Kang Seo Joon is signed to-- is most likely a subsidiary of TB Group. The company owned by Han Tae Joo's father. We also see Kim Pil Hyun's role reprised (the frenemey in WYEL), where he is now older and the CEO of TB Ent. (which would make sense because his father was  a member of TB Group)

I completely missed this. 

Detective on the case LOL


Is American Fan alright, because their profile is gone? 

In K-drama words, OMOO!!

Using your words, I'll be "brutally honest"

You caught me in a fit, lol.  I was trying to stop seeing your posts here complaining about all the BL's you don't like, so I thought blocking you would help. It didn't work cuz apparently it doesn't apply to common threads the same members are part of. 

That was yesterday and I was in a mood. I still am, lol. I couldn't think of a good way to use my words. I keep wondering why you're watching BL's if you don't like most of them. 

Anyways, I didn't think you'd even notice and I didn't know how to fix it without friending you again, then you'd know what I did.  And well, here I am...you found me out.  


In the past I confessed to the wrong people so now I'm hesitant to do so. I guess stalling is me preferring realism now. Thanks for your advice! ^^

I saw your question and before I say anything, just know I suck bad at relationships. 

My first thought is how valuable is your friendship to you? Would you be fine without it if you are rejected after confessing your feelings to them and it's difficult afterward?  

 American Fan:
Is that an ego I hear inflating in the bkg.

Nope, just joking. I actually prefer being an NPC. Thus, for example, my non-descript fashion sense (see question from back whenever that was).

 American Fan:
We don't need more negativity, right?

Definitely not. (I could say something negative about negativity right now, but I won't because that would be way too ironic.)

Let's counter-infect the younger ones with our positivity and appreciation of all that is fluffy and good!

Guys LITA Koi is coming in 4 days and I'm both excited

僕も わくわくします !!!

 American Fan:
I'll need to talk myself into having no expectations from the start. 

Yup - me, too. But this remake has at least one thing going for it: Nagumo Shoma. <3

 American Fan:
RE: Stay By My Side

It was an 8 for me. It's one of the few ghost-ish dramas I've watched.

I loved it - my favourite of the four VBL series that came out around the same time.
(Disclaimer: I have a weakness for fluffy cuteness, not to mention cuties.)

Guys, I know this is not BL related but I have a question. What should I do if I have feelings for a friend?

Contrary to Onys's flattering referral, I'm the wrong one to ask, unless you want to learn from the many horrific mistakes of my youth, not to mention that online relationships weren't really a thing back then. I'll just say: (1) Don't have expectations and you won't be disappointed. (2) Get married so you don't have to deal with the torture of dating.