I think most of us here watched it and liked it very much. My one complaint about it was that it told the two stories sequentially, whereas I would have preferred them interwoven. Otherwise, it's an iconic series which was tons better than the inferior and very flawed Japanese remake.
I'm getting used to the sequential stories at this point with other series, so it's okay. It is good so far. No real complaints about it. It's not one I'd run to rewatch, but I'm enjoying it. I like the chemistry between Boss & Noeul. Something about Boss reminds me of Ohm(Pawat) sometimes. Catching him at certain angles, facial expressions, mannerisms, etc. ☺️
Like I mentioned earlier, this is my first series where I'm watching both of them, however I'm aware of Fort & Peat from Love Sea, but I only watched the first episode and then never continued watching it as it didn't really pull me in. I don't even remember if I've even seen them as a support or anything in another series that I might have forgotten about.