Nah, ur fun!
I lurve you lots and lots and lots. Right backattcha too, btw!
American Fan:
They gave me the butterfly badge
I've gotten a couple of badges and saw them when I first got them, but I now can't figure out where they're located to see them again. I thought they'd be somewhere in my profile, but I can't find any trace of them. Do you know where I should be looking?
Is that why no one talks to me much in here? LOL
You liked my suggestions and didn't drop any, so you're not on my ish list whatsoever...lol!
American Fan:
I've dropped a lot of popular dramas myself, so I know other's will have their own tastes and feelings too. Honestly, it's totally up to fate & timing. One can dislike smth one year and the next year be like raving their head over it.
OMG that's so true! Y'all probably gonna hate me, but I am pretty sure I'm one of the only people who really didn't like Sotus (don't get me started on why...I barely made it to the end and didn't even bother with the sequel either) or Theory of Love. With TOL it wasn't a dislike of the show per say as much as it was more that I had major issues with the writer making the ML so dislikable and practically villainous, that it was nearly impossible for him to redeem himself and for a viewer to root for his HEA. That said, I did love the whole train station scene at the end.