
GUYS 4Minutes is on GAGAOOLALA NOW! Not me about to rewatch it all in HD........ It feels like my birthday. HAHHA

Same here even if for me, it's FINALLY my first time seeing it!


Same here even if for me, it's FINALLY my first time seeing it!

You're in for a wild ride aGHH


You're in for a wild ride aGHH

I know 🥵😂


I'm currently actively watching 12-- and there's so many other's I want to be watching lol

Same.  Normally I watch one drama at time so I can see more of them.  But since this month I was a little bored of the last drama I decided to watch several BL in a week and I ended up watching 13 of them 😂

My Love Mix-Up final

That was cute. I love that both the mums were so supportive of them, especially Atom’s mum lol not her trying to eavesdrop from outside Atom’s room to see if he got accepted lol XD

Anyways, I’m glad that everyone got their happy ending and I enjoyed this drama a lot- now that I’ve watched the Thai remake, I’m looking forward to watching the original to see what’s different lol 

Overall rating: 8/10


My Love Mix-Up final

That was cute. I love that both the mums were so supportive of them, especially Atom’s mum lol not her trying to eavesdrop from outside Atom’s room to see if he got accepted lol XD 

Anyways, I’m glad that everyone got their happy ending and I enjoyed this drama a lot- now that I’ve watched the Thai remake, I’m looking forward to watching the original to see what’s different lol 

Overall rating: 8/10

Yeah, the final episode was so great; the entire series was great! I'm so sad it's over though. I didn't expect to cry in a lighter fluffier type series like this, at least not cry as heavily as I did in this ep, but Fourth really really delivers his roles so well every time, and I also have a personal reason that got me super emotional and crying. I'm gay and I never got to have that open accepting experience with my mom like they both got in the series from their moms. But, often these series can be very healing for me seeing moms being super supportive and accepting reflected in them where it's always about how they just want them to be happy. Their sons' happiness is also their happiness, and that's all they want.

last call for Earth ownship 😂💕💕💕

@Jadeheart yeah I get you, it sucks having homophobic/closed off parents who you don’t feel like you can talk to openly about stuff like that 

One of the parents who really stood out to me was Pete’s dad in DBK, I loved how sweet and caring he was, and it was adorable and funny to see him try to talk more with Pete (especially about the condom lol XD) lol sorry I’m still obsessed with DBK atm so I can’t stop thinking about it XD

often these series can be very healing for me seeing moms being super supportive and accepting reflected in them where it's always about how they just want them to be happy. Their sons' happiness is also their happiness, and that's all they want.

That's wonderful that there are series that bring a healing experience for you. It even feels healing to me to see parents in dramas not only accepting their gay children but to embrace and celebrate them as the unique & special individual that they are. 

I'm rewatching Lovely Writer and how could I forget how HOT Kao is?!?

I also forgot how much this series is loaded with those little annoying sound effects. Doing my best to block them out.

Up on the R looks so young! Kao on the L. Love their dynamics in the show. 

I am backkkk. Literally just got bailed out after a bar fight............HAHAHA LOL just joking. I would never....get caught. 

Anyways I have some catching up to do.

Day 22 - Super powers

I would want to have the power of the avatar; master of all four elements and the avatar state. I love the avatar series franchise. I would use these powers to stop wars and serve as the ultimate deterrent for any future wars. I would be the guardian of the world, so pretty much the same responsibilities as the avatar. 

Day 23 - Singing

Yes I do. I prefer the dining room in my house because it has amazing acoustics. I love the resonance I hear when I belt in my upper range in the dining room. 

Right, now I have 4 minutes to watch as well as the finale of This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans; I also have the premier episodes of The On1y One to watch as well as the Jeff Satur's movie to watch. Wait I also have the weird series of Sky Valley to watch.

 American Fan:

That's wonderful that there are series that bring a healing experience for you. It even feels healing to me to see parents in dramas not only accepting their gay children but to embrace and celebrate them as the unique & special individual that they are. 

Yeah, I have literally gotten more benefit from many different Asian BL series than I ever got from therapy lol.

It's  Friday... that means Sam's ramblings for 4Minutes. Episode 5.

They actually added it to iQ, which is super exciting for me.

Tonkla? That you, my boy?
Oh, Bible. The way I just... oof.
Product placement, of course.
What was that kiss?! That was like a peck I could give a stranger.
They are doing something with the lens in this episode. I've discovered they don't do anything without intention in this, so I am curious as to why.
We are finally getting some answers!
So Captain dickface knows Tyme is a doc.
My heart is breaking for Nan. I would've liked for them to address more of the SA culture since they put that dynamic in the show, but I understand why they didn't. Still I find it unfortunate when SA is just used as a plot device.
Who the hell is this? Another damn body? Noooo. Not Mon. :( That's all Nan had. Makes sense why Nan was so dedicated to the mission.
AHHH. I hate Captain Dickface. Such a dirty, awful, horrendous human. I wish Tyme had just shot him.
Great's family is just so dirty.
Wait. The lady from the first episode? AHH like I said they don't do anything without purpose.
I feel for Great's mom, but man is her husband a dick.
Where the hell is all the security?!
WHAT. OMG NO. He still couldn't save her. Holy shit. I did not expect that. Can we have a take 2?
...oh. Oh. OOOOH. Holy. Okay. I see what they did there. I think. I am partly confused. But partly like wow okay. So like did his relationship with Tyme happen? It must've.


I also have the premier episodes of The On1y One

Just saw the first 2 episodes and really liking this show!