August BL Group Challenge - Day 2 - Username and Profile Picture

At first my username was RiqueXinw but then I cut it down to RXinw. Let me start with Rique; my real name is very long so Rique are just some letters from my name. I just cut it down because RX sounded like x-rated which kind of fits me lol. 

Now for Xinw; my geek is about to come out! If you rearrange the letters you will get the word Winx (if there are any fans you know where I am going with this). Winx Club is my all time favourite show. I am still upset at Netflix for attempting to do a live action remake and fu*king it up royally. They should not have touched perfection! I have watched this show since I was six years old and between that time and now I have re-watched seasons 1 - 6 more than one hundred times over the span of 13 years of being a fan. I can quote episodes line for line. I can sing every transformation theme song up to season 6 line for line. Season 3 is one of my favourite seasons with my favourite transformation Enchantix:

Seasons 7 and 8 for me fell off sadly.

The movies between the seasons though are so good in connecting the seasons.


I'm posting this because I need mental support, because this just confirmed (once again) that Joong is unhinged and I can't deal with him. He's worse than the fans lmao Like his dude really found a post, reposted, and then made his own collage

We are now besties!

LOL yay!


I must be careful with the dark mafia sometimes because it can get too dark for me.

  • Infallible: Serendipity, Book 3
  • Anything by Natasha Knight
  • "The Queens and Monsters series isn't precisely mafia-themed, but it's not the traditional mafia story you might be searching for. Still, it's worth reading. Carnal Urges and Brutal Vows are my top picks as they both feature strong male characters, but the females also dominate them with their Quick wit, comments, and intelligent thinking. I would also like to point out that the audiobooks are exceptional and make the story 100 times better because the narrators are so sexy! lmao
  • Dark-Hunter series by Sherrilyn McQueen. - Once again, this isn't centered around mafia themes, but it's my preferred series by my favorite author, whom I've been a fan of since 2002. It combines Greek, Atlantic, and Egyptian mythology elements, featuring an array of supernatural beings, including gods, goddesses, werewolves, werebears, vampires, and witches. What's particularly remarkable about this series is that all the characters reappear at some point in subsequent books or are mentioned so that they're not forgotten. Every character serves a purpose.
  • Honorable mention: Masters and Mercenaries and Masters and Mercenaries: Reloaded
Like his dude really found a post, reposted, and then made his own collage


Now for Xinw; my geek is about to come out! If you rearrange the letters you will get the word Winx

omg that is so cute I love it-- I used to watch that show when I was a kid and loved it, and I've always meant to go back and watch it in one go-- maybe it's time!


If you rearrange the letters you will get the word Winx

I have a strong connection to this show, especially because I grew up watching the 4kids version. While it may not be everyone's cup of tea, I genuinely enjoyed the humor and thought Lisa Ortiz's performances as Musa and Icy were truly exceptional. Musa's omelet rap always brings a smile to my face and my sister's, despite its silliness. I also developed a newfound appreciation for Stella upon revisiting the series.

 I found Darcy's character to be captivating, though Stormy didn't make as much of an impression. The Trix as a trio, however, were iconic! Aisha's season was fantastic, and I particularly loved the adorable Pixies and the spin-off series PopPixie.

 The recent live adaptation of the show fell short of capturing the vibrant colors, cheerful essence, and the love and friendship present in the original. Instead, it presented a disappointing stereotype-filled show targeting teens. I had high hopes for it and eagerly searched for updates. When I finally watched it on Netflix, I was shocked by how poorly it turned out. 

Even though I've only seen the 4kids version, I'm open to exploring other seasons, especially because of the fascinating character of Roxy .


Source: X (Twitter)

Some Hot Stuff here (I had to be dodging 4 Minutes and TLDHLB spoilers while on X)

Your Name Engraved Herein is one of the best BL movie ever made

This clip is telling me that this remake will be a little more spicy than the original.

This is just a reminder of all the pain we suffered this week and to make us appreciate this love story when it ends (I know how it ends but I won't spill if it is happy or not hehe)

Lmao I'm actually the opposite, I'm super clingy and love hugging people and hanging onto their arm lol

I will bring you one of my many stuffed animals for you to cling to

This going to be you : 

 American Fan:
I'll DM you later!

Sure thing :)

 American Fan:
While you're sinning, I should have mentioned TharnType as well! Get on it, Gurrrl!!

Ah yes of course of course, I must make sure to watch all the BL classics lol, I gotta catch up XD

 American Fan:
Oh yeah...I'm appreciating!! Who is it, btw?

It's this guy and I absolutely LOVE him- he's just so handsome XD


I looked it up I hope I can give it a read. Currently I'm reading Are you Addicted

I'd totally rec Boy Girlfriend, although I'll warn u that it's all childish and stuff at the beginning but it's gets serious and emotional soon enough- atm, it's very intense

My first webtoon, which was also a BL, was Castle Swimmer, which just recently finished its 3rd season and will come back in probably a few months for the last season- I'll really miss my beautiful Kappa and Siren TT 

A few other BL webtoons I'm currently reading r Our Walk Home and Here You Are, both r awesome!

oh my god i lovelovelove that webtoon , when i first saw your username Onyx is whom i thought about (weird..) also i haven't read a couple episodes ever since the appearance of kai. Also keane is such a sweetheart. lets stop right here before i start gushing about them, Also I too have been reading BG from 2020-2021 . 

DM ME RN (lol) we have a lot to talk about

Honestly, Kai is really nice (to Onyx) and he doesn't really affect Keane and Onyx's relationship too much (except for the fact that Onyx lies to Keane that Kai is his bf

Things between Onyx and Keane r still pretty much the same and I'm just dying for them to COMMUNICATE already TT

Oh really? I'll tell my mum (I cant cook to save my life just can do basic omelette , noodles, rice and salads(lol is that even cooking?) )

Lol same here XD

Lmk how it tastes if u do make it at home!

Speaking of Indian cuisine, is anyone else on here Indian or part Indian too? (I'm a British Indian as my parents r from India but I'm from England)

"Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night, I toss and I turn
And I dream of what I need

I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast..."

This song is playing and I am currently belting it out to the gods as I am typing this.

omg that is so cute I love it-- I used to watch that show when I was a kid and loved it, and I've always meant to go back and watch it in one go-- maybe it's time!

It warms my heart to find fellow watchers here *wipes stray tears*

I have a strong connection to this show,

Musa's season 1 transformation theme song is one of my favorites.

I did not even bother to watch the Netflix version after seeing clips and reviews; I have my self respect as a fan to maintain.

The Trix were THE villains. I love Icy!

I must be careful with the dark mafia sometimes because it can get too dark for me.

I have no limits when it comes to dark romance. I will be a little wary of blood play though but that has not stopped me from reading a story though. 

Thanks for the recs!

Yeah, today's episode left me feeling good.

Yep, and we've still got 3 more eps of Atom and Kongthap being lovey dovey so yay!


You are killing me this afternoon. I am so ready for this series!

I am so excited!

Look out for my DM. 

LOL I will not say what came to my mind at first because it is too early in the afternoon and I have work to do. 

Waiting for ur DM :)

I would love to know what ur dirty little mind was thinking of Hia ;)


I love u lol cuz same XD



I'm posting this because I need mental support, because this just confirmed (once again) that Joong is unhinged and I can't deal with him. He's worse than the fans lmao Like his dude really found a post, reposted, and then made his own collage

This. This is why I love Joong.  (lol u know what I mean)


I will bring you one of my many stuffed animals for you to cling to

This going to be you : 

Aww yay! That gif is so me

We're experiencing a heatwave in my area of England atm and even though it's boiling hot, I still randomly hug my mum and lean on her and she gets so annoyed lol 

Lmao I'm actually the opposite, I'm super clingy and love hugging people and hanging onto their arm lol

Why am I thinking of Tan from We Are rn!?!


I can not escape stray kids no matter where I go lol if we all start talking about hannah I will have to leave this thread lol

You're tempting me...but no, not a word from me! 


I didn't get the chance to have kids, so now I have 8 sons and I'm so proud of them.

Aw, that's so sweet.