
me, this was exactly my feelings reading that. 

okay with me as long as you accept P'First is my kid and i'm his mom. deal?

Hm, alright deal :)

me, this was exactly my feelings reading that. 

Me and Ash about to log out today LMAO Y'all have fun 


Me and Ash about to log out today LMAO Y'all have fun 

yaay, ps the gif is so adorable

Dark Blue Kiss ep 7

Aww, that anniversary scene was adorable, I’m not kidding I actually cried TT

Non is seriously crossing the line, he KNOWS about PeteKao and yet he’s still trying to piss Pete off and get close to Kao

And why the hell isn’t Kao speaking up? Like, just tell the boy to fuck piss off already! 

Also, SunMork r cute lol- although I see some jealousy coming with that ex-gf Kitty…

August Challenge Day 21

Plan the ULT date with your ULT bias from Question #15.
My date with Tee Thanapon

I'll pick Tee up and surprise him with some flowers. I'll then take him to the fair and enjoy the food, rides, games together, and just have fun without any pressure of a more formal date. It will be a fun experience that will allow us to be able to be silly and playful while creating some good memories. I'll play the games until I won him a plushie he saw that he really liked. Afterwards, we'll head to the beach and watch the sun set together, and end the night kissing under the stars.

Day 21 of August Challenge: Plan the ULT date with your ULT bias from Question #15♡ Peat Wasuthorn ♡ Our date would start off with Peat picking me up in my dream car- a 67 red Mustang convertible. He comes knocking on my door and greeting me with a hug and then gave me a giant teddy bear and a beautiful bouquet of flowers. We leave to go have delicious steak dinner at a fancy resturaunt and then we go to see a action movie. After the movie we go get some ice cream and then take a nice long walk along the beach holding hands and just talking and smiling at each other while watching the sun go down. After that he takes me to his place and we get in his hottub and we drink some wine while talking and listening to some music. While we are in the hottub his gorgeous bright brown eyes kept gazing at me and he kept smiling at me and then he gave me a kiss against the lips and then to end the night he takes me home and we talk for a little bit longer on my front porch while watching the stars and holding hands. Before he leaves he tells me goodnight and he gives me a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. ♡

Tried to improve the animation gif badge, here's a sample please let me know what you think. Also went with the drama title for the title. Could also go with Shipping titles?

other sample


Day 19 August Challenge: How did you discover BL & LGBTQ+ dramas? Do you usually watch dramas alone or with others?

I first watched BL dramas in 2020 with the Korean series "Wish You." I wasn't really into watching BL, but I tried watching it because my favorite idols were in it. I didn't watch anything BL or LGBTQ+-related after this until June 2022, when I came across edit videos on Tiktok and YT of Theory of Love. That's when I started liking it. I usually watch alone because I don't have anyone close to me who also likes BL.

Well I read French and English books about LGBTQ+ romances and watched a lot of European and American show about LGBTQ+ romances.  So when I started to watch Kdrama in 2022, it didn't take me long to discover the BL world.  I watch all my dramas and BL alone most of them on my phone.

Our date would start off with Peat picking me up in my dream car- a 67 red Mustang convertible.

That's how my first bf picked me up to go on our first date when I was 19, except his car was a black classic convertible Fiat Spider his dad gave him that he really wanted and wanted to fully restore it.


That's how my first bf picked me up to go on our first date when I was 19, except his car was a black classic convertible Fiat Spider his dad gave him that he really wanted and wanted to fully restore it. 

Those are really nice cars ♡ 

We've been suspiciously quiet in here today lol has the fight over Joong finally spilled blood? Is p4's harem broken loose and being tracked down? Did everyone fall into a coma imagining their perfect date? Have I been blocked? A mystery for only the scooby gang can solve lol

@GelfyFaeth222 - I haven’t Done question 5 in order to do Todays question But i will be answering it  with in the in two hours haha As I am in transit XD 

How is your day going today ? do you know if anyone has claimed Earth ? 

Day 21 of August Challenge: Plan the ULT date with your ULT bias from Question #15♡ Peat Wasuthorn ♡ O

thats a very sweet and cute date plan  and i love your bias choice <33


We've been suspiciously quiet in here today lol has the fight over Joong finally spilled blood? Is p4's harem broken loose and being tracked down? Did everyone fall into a coma imagining their perfect date? Have I been blocked? A mystery for only the scooby gang can solve lol

Lol that’s what I’ve been wondering XD 

 Mignon toi:

thats a very sweet and cute date plan  and i love your bias choice <33

:) Thanks love ♡