We've been suspiciously quiet in here today

I noticed that too...


The thing is, I don't want to date him. He's a nice person, but even if he wasn't gay, I wouldn't date him. I don't date men. I also don't have a clue what a "friend date" is lol

Of course, no worries!!  :-)

 American Fan:
I'll catch up with you all later!! <3 :-)


I have been busy for most of the day so I was not active and I will be busy tonight as well. I will be out tomorrow as well so I will catch up with you guys tomorrow night (hopefully).

Current mood. I have had this song stuck in my head and singing it all day to myself.


LMAOO!  I know every line of this movie!

Please keep off of the grass
Shine your shoes, wipe your face
Duloc is, Duloc is
Duloc is a perfect place 


LMAOO!  I know every line of this movie!

Please keep off of the grass
Shine your shoes, wipe your face
Duloc is, Duloc is
Duloc is a perfect place 

Lmao!!! Shrek is one of my all-time faves. XD

my all-time faves. XD

I'm usually not big on sequels, but Shrek 2 was a masterpiece.


I'm usually not big on sequels, but Shrek 2 was a masterpiece.

Yes it was I loved it ♡

 American Fan:
Thankfully my family member will have a good recovery outcome! 

So glad to hear this. Hope you got some rest.

Day 22. If you could have just ONE superpower, which one would you pick and why? What would you do?

I think I'd want my superpower to be invisibility. It's subtle enough (unlike being able to fly which would be my second choice) and I think I'd use it for good. If it's total invisibility aka my body wouldn't even be able to be detected with heat detectors or with lasers or whatnot, then it would be nice to become some sort of spy or agent that interrupts nefarious plans of various organizations (governmental or not) from all over the world. It would be a nice little power to fight off the injustice of this world.

If I were to be permitted to have two superpowers at the same time, I'd go for invisibility paired with super-strength. This way, I get the best of both worlds. Strong enough to move mountains (literally) and subtle enough not to do so in plain sight. It's a very nice combo if you ask me. Of course there's also being able to fly, but that's more of  a dream of mine than anything. I think birds are very lively and free, so roaming the sky (possibly undetected as I have full invisibility), would also be a very nice pass time, though maybe not as useful as super-strength.

My answer: invisibility.

do you know if anyone has claimed Earth ? 

I don't think so.

haahhh my online classes started so im busy. for the big date question, i'm asexual and probably(85%) aromantic as well. so no romantic dates for me. but  dates would probably be like this, 

im a huge HOMEBODY so ig making a picnic(a blanket, and pillows) like set up in front of the tv, watching a movie (pref horror or anything except romance) (i hate western straight romance stuff sm idk ) and a homecooked meal would be perfect. and loads of communication. 

August Challenge Day 22

If you could have just ONE superpower, which one would you pick and why? What would you do?

Superpower: Superfast Speed with related time manipulation ability

Mine would be the same as what Quicksilver possesses as a superpower. Quicksilver (X-Men) is a mutant with the ability to run at superfast speeds and has enhanced agility and reflexes. When he accelerates to high-speed, his experience of time seems to slow because he is thinking faster, reacting faster, moving faster, while time for us normal people moves along at its usual pace. He is able to run and accomplishes feats such as creating cyclones, running up walls and above bodies of water.

As for why that superpower and what would I do, I mean it's cool as shit first of all lol. But, the ability to move differently through time and experience and move through the world in such a unique way would be incredible. Also, it would be incredible to manipulate time and time jump and experience past and future events.

Best X-Men scenes imo are Quicksilver's: