
I'm not specifically familiar with it, but I would suggest great caution with "free" pirate sites: Aside from the ethical issues (theft), they often try to make money by infecting with malware. At the very least, be sure you have really good virus/malware protection.

I hadn’t even considered the malware/virus thing because they have a free and paid version. :(

I appreciate Taiwan recognizing it's older gay generation. They're doing it in The On1y One and now it's here again in Kiseki. It's really nice to see older characters also having love interests/connections. 

That's extra points for Taiwan <3

When are you watching the new episode of 4 minutes?

Behave lol

I am watching tonight.


Behave lol

I am watching tonight.

Behaving isn't as much fun though.

I'll watch it again with you when you get the chance. Just let me know :)

Well, that hinges on two questions:

Which club member you ask?
Who are you twins with, RX or the CSO?


I got inundated with work today so....SCREAMS!!!

Breathe in, breathe out....breathe in, breathe out. 

I prescribe the latest epi of our fave TOO, if you've not yet watched it, cuz it's a gooder! If you have, I recommend trying my newest medicine, 'Kidnapped' cuz despite it giving off a very strong whiff of 'My Stand-In' at the very beginning, it appears to be developing it's own unique scent and it's giving... and YASS! the MLs already got that chemistry going on... so I think you'll enjoy it. '4 Minutes' was also a very informative and eyebrow raising epi that's given another twist for those like me, who thought they had it mostly figured out. A dose of these three will cure all that ails you. *grin* 

 American Fan:
Daannnng, I feel bad for you! 

Meh... I'm used to it by now. Just like my comp having a relapse this morning into the buffering abyss and batter Tom Foolery from before, which has put me waaaay behind once more. LOL


Source - X

SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! We're already gonna get a season 2 of TOO? *Doin' the Snoopy Dance*! BOOYAH! for 'Last Twilight' snagging the trophy. Well done boys, well done! JimmySea for the win! and lookie, lookie, some more absolute raunch is heading our with our Chapter 2 boys, P and the twins! The 3 Ps are riding again... no doubt literally. LOL! I wonder if Beboy will be joining in on the fun too. *ponders* Things are getting exciting in the BL world!

Kidnap EP 1

Ohm is lookin' mighty fine, especially in those shades!!

I'm getting mixed messages, as they have Min giving the impression of a fairly innocent person backed into a tight spot, but then he starts acting like the criminal that we're supposed to believe he isn't. If that makes sense.

Min seemed uncomfortable about the gun but didn't have any trouble whipping it out a few times acting like he would use it. If he doesn't know anything about guns then he's putting them both in danger. What a situation.

I'm jumping ahead, but with this type of plot, it's not hard for me to wonder what kind of ending they plan and how to make it believable, after a kidnapping offense. 

More points for Taiwan. They seem to activately avoid stereotypical top and bottom. That's really refreshing to me.

Also, the lead in Kiseki, at times, is really making me think of Cheng Yi. He has the same face and nose shape and there's a character called Ceng Yi LMAO Every now and then my brain starts to hurt LOL


@MeNotYou (re. School) thx for ur support! Hopefully I’ll still be able to watch Kidnap with u guys *fingers crossed* 

MUAH! Anytime!


I just watched that today. I think I crushed 3 BLs today. :D 

Kare no Iru Seikatsu

25 Ji, Akasaka de

VIP Only

I'm liking the JBLs wish they had better kisses though lol

NOICE! Welcome over to the JBL darkside! It's all warm and fuzzy here. LOL


I'm so looking forward to this series. I hope we can all watch together :)

I just finished the first epi and I'm liking it so far! You?


Hey, I would love to join this! >.<


I was just thinking last night that perhaps GMMtv shows just arnt my thing.

Don't give up just yet. You just might not have found the ones that lean more to your taste. There's so many out there that I'd lean more towards perhaps red flagging specific Directors/Writers or perhaps specific troupes, rather than the Company on the whole. Otherwise you might miss some real diamonds hidden in the rough.

Unfortunately MAME and I fight like feral cats and I have learned to just not bother with her stuff. We dont get along. Shes one of my red flags so there was just simply no point in entertaining it. 

In LITA there are 4 MLs linked together (2 sets of BFFs) so there's two stories in one show. The first half of the series is CP one's story start to finish, and then the 2nd half is the other CP's story. I would suggest you check out the first half and skip the second, if it's what I think I've heard that MAME's known for, that triggers you, since the second story is a lot more... intense and trama filled. Then you'd get to see my favourite, Boss, in all his excellency. 

I've been reflecting on the stats of my BL List and there's a good chance S. Korea BL's could end up being my favourite.

They're at the top for me two, followed VERY closely by TBLs, cuz both are more story and detail driven. I've watched more JBLs and ThBLs and have my faves, but that's mostly due to their volume. There's just simply more to watch. For me tho, because of having watched so many in such a short amount of time, I'm able to decern what I like and don't like about each country's stuff so I go into a show with those "guidelines" in my head and now enjoy them more for what they are. For example, I know damn well CBL's are censored to the nines, so I know if I watch one it's not going to have any NC scenes and little to no decent kissing scenes overall, unless it's like 'Meet Me at the Blossom' and produced in cooperation with Taiwan. I also know that if I watch any type of school Trope, esp HS, there will be little to no skinship either for obv. reasons. I just pair what I watch with what I'm in the mood for and usually end up a fairly happy camper, no matter whose BL creation. But yeah, I hold KBLs and TBLs to a much higher standard than the rest simply because they usually deliver it.


I'm watching it for character study for writing. I love when stories show real people making real mistakes. When I was in college we discussed how humans are not logical in social psych. 

Yeah if you go into it with that mindset, you'll prob be ok with it. I just tend to watch shows as a form of escapism so I generally don't enjoy them being too... realistic, for lack of a better term. It's prob also why I rarely watch documentaries too. *shrug*


Kiseki: Dear to Me ~ Am I developing 2nd couple syndrome? LOL 

YASSS! I did, big time! I swear I ended up watching that show for them only....lmao. I wound up not giving two hoots for the Main CP. *grin* 

Btw, don't move on to Kiseki Chapter 2 after you're done thinking it's a sequel to this show, cuz it's not. It's a whole different show entirely and raunchy as hell... if you manage to stick it out to end of epi 3, that is.

YASSS! I did, big time! I swear I ended up watching that show for them only....lmao. I wound up not giving two hoots for the Main CP. *grin* 

Btw, don't move on to Kiseki Chapter 2 after you're done thinking it's a sequel to this show, cuz it's not. It's a whole different show entirely and raunchy as hell... if you manage to stick it out to end of epi 3, that is.

I seen a kiseki chapter 2 and it says thailand LOL I'm leaving thai bls alone for now. I want to focus more of the korean, japanese and taiwan ones to boost their numbers. I'm not holding out hope for chinese since they get straight up banned LOL I ll just list what i see and move on lol

 American Fan:
Kidnap EP 1

Ohm is lookin' mighty fine, especially in those shades!!

This is my first Ohm show and I like him! Never saw Bad Buddy, so I don't know how the chemistry compares, but I'm already seeing theirs here within the first few seconds of their encounter, so I'm liking this pairing a lot so far!

 American Fan:
I'm jumping ahead, but with this type of plot, it's not hard for me to wonder what kind of ending they plan and how to make it believable, after a kidnapping offense. 

I'm wondering too, although not too much cuz I've learned with these kind and bully kind of tropes, it's just easier to suspend disbelief than try and make it make sense. Tho tbh, that was almost impossible with BibleBuild in 'KinnPorche'. Ngl, I had a real hard time with that one given all what he did to him.

More points for Taiwan. They seem to activately avoid stereotypical top and bottom. That's really refreshing to me.

Now you know why TBLs are right up there for me with KBLs...lol.

I seen a kiseki chapter 2 and it says thailand LOL I'm leaving thai bls alone for now.

*snicker* with this one, that might be best. It's ridiculous, at times both hugely cringy and occasionally hilarious, all wrapped up in straight up heavy hitting, raunchiest of raunch NC scenes. It's not a show you watch looking for any level of seriousness or a great storyline, aside from a little at the end. Trust me...lol.

Tho tbh, that was almost impossible with BibleBuild in 'KinnPorche'. Ngl, I had a real hard time with that one given all what he did to him.

I hated that pairing omg, I legit skipped all their parts-- people seem to love it and Vegas-- but that whole plot gave me the ick ;; That definitely was not your typical bully plot lol 

Happy news for SukFilm fans. 'Blue Boys' OST has been finally released and is now available on Spotify! They're still gatekeeping the actual artist's name cuz they posted it with SukFilm being the artist for all the songs, but at least we can now enjoy the freaking amazing soundtrack! WOOT!

I wonder if it's the cast singing these songs or if it's someone they hired specifically to create all the music, as it sounds like the same artist singing them all. I think I may DL the whole thing because it wouldn't surprise me if they suddenly made it private or for some kind of members only content.


I hated that pairing omg, I legit skipped all their parts-- people seem to love it and Vegas-- but that whole plot gave me the ick ;; That definitely was not your typical bully plot lol 

Same! I didn't skip it in case it had bearing on the storyline, but yeah, SOOO not my cup of tea either. I'm not big on bully tropes to begin with and that was hella far beyond next level, right past abuse, and straight into unbearable torture. I mean he freaking put jumper cables to his privates for heaven's sake! Just how the hell does anyone willingly fall in love with someone like that?! SMDH.

I'm finishing up the new ep of 4Minutes (non-spoiler post) and

The actor that plays young Great (I'm sure) is the kid that played young San in Century of Love! That kid was the cutest in that show! AHHH