I bet these guys had a blast filming WE ARE

I actually really like that this show, is on Wednesday. It get's me through the midweek hump.


Is that a new profile pic I see.



Is that a new profile pic I see.

I'm having trouble settling on one ! /gives up/

That's interesting. Maybe you could look into why you can drop books but not series. Maybe series get you hooked up on them faster and more securely than a book does? Although this sometimes has to do with attention span too. A book requires more attention to read it compared to watching series.

Yes that might be it. A book takes all my attention; I have walked into things before while reading; complete lack of awareness when I am reading, so I guess I am more willing to drop a book because I love reading and take it seriously. Plus I tend to analyse the hell out of books I read (more than series) so I am very particular about what I am going dedicate so much time to because I need to enjoy it. OMG maybe that's why I tend to speak more about the story in a series and not use the word "plot" or "story-line." In all fairness though I think this is just the consequences of my areas of study. Yeah, don't ask me mathematical  questions lol not my area of expertise. 

P.S for the MM Book lovers if you have not read God of Fury you need to. (Please read the triggers though) it is by far the best MM book I have ever read and that's saying a lot, *someone in the back yelling NERD*. 

I'm having trouble settling on one ! /gives up/

Maybe try using a gif instead of a pic, a change maybe what you need?


Maybe try using a gif instead of a pic, a change maybe what you need?

I'll try a few more things before I completely give up lol

Plus I tend to analyse the hell out of books I read (more than series) so I am very particular about what I am going dedicate so much time to because I need to enjoy it.

Doesn't this track that you also could spend extra time on series or books you really like if you didn't have so many series you don't really enjoy, even dislike a lot (like that anthology) in your currently watching?

Like you could free up time to read/watch something you really like if you had a drop rule for series also, just saying. But to each their own after all, if you can't really drop series at the moment, that's okay too. Maybe one day you will be able to, who knows.

We Are (EP8) Wednesday

We made it to the halfway mark, and thankfully, I still feel like this show has more to show. I definitely want to keep watching this group of friends for a while longer <3 why are my We Are posts always so long

Phum & Peem

  • These two just constantly go on mini dates, omg let's call it what it is
  • I kind of feel bad for new boy Kluen, because he's way too late for the game. I actually don't mind the incoming love rival, because both Peem & Phum have already accepted their feelings, even if only to themselves. 
  • Peem waiting for Phum's call and then trying to act like he wasn't waiting was tooo cute ;;
  • Phuwin was so good in that last scene. I could feel Peem's distress when he realized he'd fallen asleep on the call, panicked, and then accepted that he had already fallen for Phum.
  • Do you guys remember Satang's character in Star in My Mind (Sean) ? Because that's totally Beer in this show lol

Tan & Fang

  • I actually enjoyed them much more this episode ??? Probably because Fang is actually given dimension ?
  • Fang offering to punch Q, iconic
  • Tan deciding he was just going to stare at Fang while he worked, and not help. Cuteeee.
  • Fang saying yes to the volunteer camp, when even Phum was convinced he wouldn't go? That was totally the Tan effect working on him.
  • We also have Fang talk about his feelings for Tan to Phum ???  I needed that.

Q & Toey

  • We see less of them this episode, but what we saw was super cute. Like Peem said, let's give Q time, but please keep the cute moments coming. 

Chain & Pun

  • I just want to say that Pun being a super capable Political Science student (despite being a bit of a pampered wreck with his friend group) is awesome. Love the versatility. 

Trust all I need is writing material and I will write these NC scenes myself lol

Nothing like finding your people lol.


And that is why ur my hia lol


Yes, let's bond over "We Are" !!! I'm actually going to go re-watch the last ep, because tomorrow is "We Are" day, yay!

:))) what do u think?


I have 870 books on my Want-to-Read. Before I discovered K-dramas at the end of 2021, I was reading about 350 books a year, being very picky about which ones to read and I DNF'd about 5 books a year.

With 1463 PTW shows on my list, I need to be more discerning. If I lose interest, it gets to "On hold" which I occasionally review. I continue watching some and I move some to "Dropped." There are some shows like The Middleman's Love: Uncut where I watched eps 1, 7 and 8 then Dropped. I value my time and I don't like hate-watching anything. It would have be entertaining, or sad (if I'm in that mood). It can even be shocking, just not too scary ('cause I'm a wimp) or so boring that I feel like I'd rather do something else. 

Good luck all. May we eventually get through all our lists.

 American Fan:

There are more and better dramas waiting for me to watch, so why not? Like I've said before - I want to be happy. For me watching dramas is for fun and entertainment. If I learn something that's even better, but not required. 

Is there a rule that one MUST finish a drama come hell or high water?  Do or die? haha

 The worst thing is that you can always go back for more torture if you really need to finish a drama. Or maybe you won't. Maybe you'll forget all about it. 

Yay for WE ARE Wednesdays!!

What u guys said is 100% true, I just can't bring myself to do it

It will be hard but the next time I watch a drama that just doesn't do it for me, I will try to get past that barrier and drop it :) 

PS, We Are Wednesdays, I love that name! We should all call it that from now on lol


I love this. I'm using it now lol

I actually really like that this show, is on Wednesday. It get's me through the midweek hump.

Same here! It's def what gets me through the first half of the week, and then Wandee Goodday and Only Boo! get me though the other half lol

Best of luck to anyone trying to drop series! I've been in my best era ever since I got rid of the no drop rule for anime, manga, series, books, you name it. At the end of the day, if it doesn't fulfill me in some way, if it's not enjoyable, why am I watching/reading those things? Just to check that I did them? Meanwhile the things that should matter most to me are set aside, the time that should've been allocated to them, wasted on things I don't even enjoy. Life is short, it's high time we lived it with purpose.

Will keep that in mind in the future :)

We Are (EP8) Wednesday

I absolutely adored today's ep, it was honestly exactly what I needed after a long day

I completely agree with what u said, and I'm so happy Peem and Phum accepted their feelings for each other so quickly, they're so cute! 

I admire the friendships in this series, the scene where they were painting together and playing with water, and how Peem said that he could be like a kid around his friends, it's just so beautiful to have such a nice circle *heart eyes*

Can't believe we're already halfway through this series, feels like we just started it like a week ago :0

This whole group watch thing has been a lot of fun tbh, it's nice to read about other people's opinions as well as sharing ur own :)

I'm excited about Jeff Satur's Happy Ending series. I'm sure it will have an awesome OST. 


I'm excited about Jeff Satur's Happy Ending series. I'm sure it will have an awesome OST. 

Sameee, can't wait! Love his songs so much 

City of Stars ep 1

Ok so lately I've been watching so many serious and depressing dramas that stress me out and I needed something cute n fluffy to binge, and so I decided to start City of Stars coz it was on my high priority list

I like the MLs, they're pretty *gay*-forward (lol xD) and adorable, but I have a few questions. Firstly, can someone pls explain the leaked video thing? They just suddenly started talking about this video and whatnot and I don't get it

Also, who is the guy who's living together with Fueang (the one with the asthma)? And who are Madame Aoi and Sand?

Lol I feel dumb for not knowing this but whatever