I ended up staying up way too late binge watching Unknown. I have a few episodes left that I will be finishing, but I got the emotional depth I was craving.

I may have to fire up My Stand-In for the next binge, but I am also debating rotating fluff and depth.

@AmericanFan -- Added you so I can see those pics of Thailand! Hope that's okay :) I planned a friend's honeymoon to Thailand and Laos for later this year, and I think I may head out that way next year.

Any ideas of how to celebrate when we hit our 1000th?

That's a milestone. Yeah, what should we do? Put your party hats on, guys, and let's come up with something fun!! 

I ended up staying up way too late binge watching Unknown.

Yeah, that one was hard to put down!

I may have to fire up My Stand-In for the next binge, but I am also debating rotating fluff and depth.

For sure, I usually follow up a strong /intense drama with a light/fun drama. Then repeat at times.

Added you so I can see those pics of Thailand! I planned a friend's honeymoon to Thailand and Laos for later this year, and I think I may head out that way next year.

Are you a travel agent? If you are you can be my best friend!!! I hate planning and scheduling, specially for traveling. I just wanna go, but don't like the work it takes first. I'm also a last minute packer, but I've done it soooo many times I could do it in my sleep. 

 American Fan:
Are you a travel agent? If you are you can be my best friend!!! I hate planning and scheduling, specially for traveling. I just wanna go, but don't like the work it takes first. I'm also a last minute packer, but I've done it soooo many times I could do it in my sleep. 

Haha, yes. I am a full-time therapist, but I do travel advising on the side so I can maintain my sanity since I have a very high risk caseload at the clinic. I love love love to plan. I got to plan an anniversary to an African safari recently.


Haha, yes. I am a full-time therapist, but I do travel advising on the side so I can maintain my sanity since I have a very high risk caseload at the clinic. I love love love to plan. I got to plan an anniversary to an African safari recently.

Oh yes, I imagine being a therapist would be a taxing profession. But very worthy. Watching dramas might be a stress reliever, too, I suppose. I hope the Africa trip wasn't to hunt for animals. I love wildlife watching, until one encounters a wild animal irl.  I will not mention that story since this is for BLs!! haha. I can get side-tracked real quick.


I ended up staying up way too late binge watching Unknown. I have a few episodes left that I will be finishing, but I got the emotional depth I was craving.

I may have to fire up My Stand-In for the next binge, but I am also debating rotating fluff and depth.

@AmericanFan -- Added you so I can see those pics of Thailand! Hope that's okay :) I planned a friend's honeymoon to Thailand and Laos for later this year, and I think I may head out that way next year.

It's so good and a master class really. The depth of emotions, goals, and drives of each character. (Chefs kiss)

Forgot to post this:

Source: X (Twitter)

On another note, I am so excited for this to release

 American Fan:
So on to my watches so far today.

I am off to watch Love Sea ep 6 now. I have completed my catch up of We Are. Still have not touched Wandee Goodday. I plan to just catch up on Sunset x Vibes right after Love Sea so I am definitely staying up until the early hours of morning because I might just start binge watching My Stand-In I shall see where the night takes me.

 American Fan:
That's a milestone. Yeah, what should we do? Put your party hats on, guys, and let's come up with something fun!! 

*thinking emoji*

 American Fan:
I hope the Africa trip wasn't to hunt for animals. I love wildlife watching, until one encounters a wild animal irl.  

Oh gosh no. They are doing Cape Town and an ethical safari experience in Sabi Sands. But anywho, feel free to reach out if you need help with anything!

It's so good and a master class really. The depth of emotions, goals, and drives of each character. (Chefs kiss)

I wish they made more BL like that. The quality is impeccable. From what I could tell, it was Kurt's first main role and Chris's first (only?) BL. I was very impressed with them.

Now to figure out what to start next.

Jack and Joker: Another one I'm excited about. My favs are War and Mark Siwat. 

I guess I'll have to make a chart of all the current BL shows now. *sigh*

Oh gosh no. They are doing Cape Town and an ethical safari experience in Sabi Sands. But anywho, feel free to reach out if you need help with anything!

Oh that's a relief :-) THX for the support!

Takara no Vidro Episode 3

I was totally caught up in this episode - it had me feeling a rollercoaster of emotions! At first, I was completely creeped out, but then I felt giddy and even got goosebumps. That conversation between Taishin and Takara in the apartment was incredibly cute!

Love Sea EP 6

How are others feeling about this series?

I'm losing interest myself. I'm beginning to wonder if there's something wrong with me...except that I just finished My Stand-In  without once feeling bored or tired of the plot and where the story was going. I want to see BossNoeul but other than that I think I'll skip the rest and pick up the last ep. 

I haven't started watching lovesea yet but I have no qualms about dropping if I lose interest ? I've learned it always best to trust your gut feeling. If I forced myself to finish something I'm not enjoying anymore i m just left feeling more irritated by it 

 American Fan:

Love Sea EP 6

How are others feeling about this series?

I'm losing interest myself. I'm beginning to wonder if there's something wrong with me...except that I just finished My Stand-In  without once feeling bored or tired of the plot and where the story was going. I want to see BossNoeul but other than that I think I'll skip the rest and pick up the last ep. 

Tbh, I  don't think I'd like it, so I never started it. It just feels kinda familiar to their Lita story.  Traumatized cold guy and cute puppy guy. Instant lust at first sight. Also this show had the Classic  Mame colorism, which I find incredibly offensive.

 American Fan:

Love Sea EP 6

How are others feeling about this series?

I'm losing interest myself. I'm beginning to wonder if there's something wrong with me...except that I just finished My Stand-In  without once feeling bored or tired of the plot and where the story was going. I want to see BossNoeul but other than that I think I'll skip the rest and pick up the last ep. 

I can't wait to see Boss and Noel in the next episode.

 American Fan:
I just finished My Stand-In  without once feeling bored or tired of the plot

I'm glad you liked it. I really enjoyed it.