ooooooooh, a vampire BL, I'm listening =))

Battle of the Writers sounds interesting too

Has there ever been a Vampire BL before? Speaking of hs, I remember creating a story/manga of a vampire and an elf BL and my friend thought I was crazy, but she waited every morning for the next chapter LOL

 Mignon toi:

welcome to the club <3



Welcome !

waw p'mhok is welcoming me?? ?? /j

The way I kept typing and deleting because I wanted to be at least a little filtered.

I really do want to see ur unfiltered version tho lmao XD

It is definitely one of the hottest for me not the most explicit though lol

What is the most explicit you've watched, if I may ask? Which drama?

Right! I will probably not post about theirs; who knows, because the things I will likely want to say may not be appropriate for this platform lol. As soon as it ended I had to jump over to my other friends to get their reaction and they had me howling with laughter. They got my uncensored reaction lol. 

P.S I saw some photos of today's episode of Sunset x Vibes and it would seem there is an NC scene. Lord the blessings this week for BLs are well appreciated. lol.

Lol ur other friends r lucky XD 


*Gasps* how could you even ask that. Of course 4 Minutes was hotter lol.

On a serious note though both were amazing. I think each were complimentary to the nature of the individual series. For TLDHLB it was hot and tension sizzling with the chemistry most apparent between the leads. 

For 4 Minutes well I think I have been very clear on my explicit views lol. Can I just add that everyone in this series is good looking; sides and leads. I really want to know if @p43425 got to watch and what are his thoughts. I also hope @American Fan will get a chance to watch during her trip; I hope she is enjoying her trip.

Oh ok lol

4 Minutes is just so hot. So, SO hot.

Uhmm, that is not safe. I do not think this is the type of series you want to fall asleep with leaving it playing lol. 

Lmaooo I'm dying XD

Awww thank you! :-)  It has to be said that I am lucky enough to be relatively new to BL dramas.
That's why I have a lot of already completed dramas to choose from while I'm waiting.^^

When did you start watching?

 American Fan:
I had strawberry cheesecake after my Thai meal.  :-)  <3

Ur making me jealous lol


Be warned: Today's episode of "The Trainee" is missing subtitles in part 2. Hopefully they'll be there tomorrow.

Oh yeah I was too impatient and found other ways to watch it lol

Do I sense another group watch for this one?

Oh yes, we should definitely do a group watch for Battle Of The Writers!! Anyone else?

The Trainee ep 5

Wow, already halfway through the series :0

Ahh, JaneRyan r sooo cute <33

I hope we get enough time for them in their dating era cuz we've only got 5 more eps 

Also, Off is so hot in this series, like damnn

(lol I don't have much to say)

Question, is anyone aware of this series? I came across it on YouTube last night. I cannot find it here. I have no idea what it is about because I have yet to watch. It appears to be currently airing via its YouTube channel.

p'mhok is welcoming me??

Yes, Yes, he is you are free to pass out now, lol

Has there ever been a Vampire BL before? Speaking of hs, I remember creating a story/manga of a vampire and an elf BL and my friend thought I was crazy, but she waited every morning for the next chapter LOL

Oh, new profile picture, I see you!

The only other vampire BL series I know are OMG Vampire, Kissable Lips and a Chinese one that I cannot remember the name and I am not sure how censored it is.

I really do want to see ur unfiltered version tho lmao XD

LOL. If something happens in the next episode I will be sure to message you my reaction first after watching. I won't subject the other members to that lol.

What is the most explicit you've watched, if I may ask? Which drama?

It was not a series but a movie. It was terrible and straight out porn. Really bad porn at that according to the reviews and comments. Hence word of advice if someone recommends you watch Berlin Drifters, unfriend them immediately because they are against your mental well being. Dangerous Drugs of Sex was also very explicit not hot but explicit. Then there was those Japanese movies about that one male prostitute....let me stop. Oh, and there was also The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese and Playboy and the Gang of Cherry. I am solely answering your question and not in any fashion recommending you watch these. 

4 Minutes is just so hot. So, SO hot.

You gave me flashbacks lol. 

Hi, can I join, please? (I hope I’m doing this right, I’m new to MDL and this is the first forum I’ve wanted to join, I hope I’m commenting correctly (´,,•ω•,,)♡ ) 

Hi, can I join, please? (I hope I’m doing this right, I’m new to MDL and this is the first forum I’ve wanted to join, I hope I’m commenting correctly (´,,•ω•,,)♡ ) 

Hey. Welcome to the club! Welcome also to MDL!

Yes you are commenting correctly.

Hi, can I join, please

Welcome to the club! Our group is extremely friendly, so feel free to join the conversation without hesitation. If you need any recommendations, let us know. We love discussing dramas as a group, so I'm sure someone will be happy to share their favorite shows at the moment.

Love Sea - Episode 8

Every episode I watch I am abused, but today I am pissed! You mean tell me this urghhh

This piece of shit of a dad is just going to come and cause mischief all because of the whining bitch. That is the whole plot. They are going to breakup because the said piece of shit starts sending attacks on Mut. So with all that money Rak has he cannot put the man behind bars, weh di bomboclaat dis really a become. This whole thing just feels cheap.

Guys is it me? Am I the problem here? Be honest with me am I being unreasonable with this series?

There are only two episodes left thank God for that!