1. "When you are green you are growing, when you are ripe you're not."


  1. Green Tag: component is not airworthy but is repairable
  2. Red Tag:  is scrap or unusable 
  3. Yellow Tag:  component/parts is serviceable and airworthy 

In Canada, a green tag is used for a serviceable and airworthy part, but as in the US, the presence of the tag does not guarantee that the part is legal for use in certificated aircraft.

The color coded system was developed by the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II

3. Green is the color of the tree


In a mass casualty hospitals do triage 

Red- surgery is needed as it is life-threatening 

Yellow- surgery might be needed as it can become worse 

Green- minor scales and bumps

Black- unfortunately the individual have died 

It is used so doctors work is work efficient and saves as many lives as possible 

8.  The term “green” refers to someone who is not yet experienced in a particular field or activity. Being green can apply in many facets of life, but the term is probably most often used in conjunction with someone who is new at his or her profession, position, or hobby.

Instruct a "green" mechanic on a task on an aircraft.

9. "Nature's first green is gold"

New word interdependence

4.  "Life doesn't make any sense without interdependence and the sooner we learn that, the better for us all." Erik Erikson 


Can someone throw a little  more light on the quote by Stephen R, Covey?

I liked the literal meaning, so posted.

My interpretation of it is people who believe they can do everything by themselves and can only influence their life shows they truly understand the meaning of interdependence as they understand how others can support them on their journey of life 

8. "Maturity comes in three stages dependence independence and interdependence ."

''You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”    
  ―      Dr. Seuss  

LIFE is a long  journey born to death .