As I was reading  the last part  my water bottle fell, I was like 😳

WOW... that's a.....quite an opening 😂


zeamays Contributor

My June/beginning of July book was The Ghost Bride by Yangsze Choo.

I did watch the drama when it came out a few years back and liked it well enough, but this was much better.  The world building and overall setting of both the human world and the ghost world is so rich and descriptive.  So now it kind of makes me want to watch the drama again, even though I know I didn't think it was that amazing the first time, haha.  Rated 4/5.

I’ve heard so many good things and I’m currently on chapter 2 and loving it, they are so cute. And how are some of bullying allowed like what do you mean he ate chalk and drank toilet water. That school needs to do something 

I'm . . . in a book slump. For the first time in nearly 2 years . . . it's hit. I forgot what it felt like T^T Enough novels for a while. The one relief is that I know when I do go back to reading again, my TBR only consists of sequels which is nice and will leave me free to re-read to my heart's content.

Back to animanga and dramas as a whole now lol ~ 

JULY Reads