I still think what you did here is awesome, penel. A challenge to finish a book a month, but no pressure. Then sharing summary or impression of what we read. I mean there are so many good books out there, we can't possibly read all of them. So by reading what the members wrote about the books, then we already seem to know about the book even though we don't read them. I hope we can keep doing this next and next year. ^-^

Yesterday I read 15 pages, Yeay! My previous record is 10 pages. Not bad for a slump.


I still think what you did here is awesome, penel. A challenge to finish a book a month, but no pressure. Then sharing summary or impression of what we read. I mean there are so many good books out there, we can't possibly read all of them. So by reading what the members wrote about the books, then we already seem to know about the book even though we don't read them. I hope we can keep doing this next and next year. ^-^

Yesterday I read 15 pages, Yeay! My previous record is 10 pages. Not bad for a slump.

Glad to know that you aren't giving up! I haven't read a single page of my March book yet... I've been reading (and writing) too much work related stuff lately, so I'm keeping a distance from my books till the end of this week. Will probably start my book this weekend :)


Glad to know that you aren't giving up! I haven't read a single page of my March book yet... I've been reading (and writing) too much work related stuff lately, so I'm keeping a distance from my books till the end of this week. Will probably start my book this weekend :)

I won't give up even though I will be very busy this year. But I must recover from my reading slump because it's part of my greater plan. I want to get a new job or continue my study, whichever opportunity comes first, or both. Books are source of materials to increase my skill or to think of research proposal so I must read a lot of books, slump no more. 

First my record is 10 pages, then 15 pages, then 21 pages. I smell something burning, and that's my passion for book again. ^-^

I'm sure you can do it, penel. I know work is a big hinder to do anything we want. Fighting!

Hello, I'm new here!! I was introduced here by a friend

Last month I read "Are you addicted" book 1 : this is a book that was adapted into a BL Cdrama "Addicted Heroin"

Currently: I'm reading "Are you addicted" book2: I almost finish with this (i'm a fast reader, lol) pages update: 625/966

also, I'm new so i dont know the rule and guide line in here so can someone help me out? thank you


Hello, I'm new here!! I was introduced here by a friend

Last month I read "Are you addicted" book 1 : this is a book that was adapted into a BL Cdrama "Addicted Heroin"

Currently: I'm reading "Are you addicted" book2: I almost finish with this (i'm a fast reader, lol) pages update: 625/966

also, I'm new so i dont know the rule and guide line in here so can someone help me out? thank you

Welcome, friend!  :)

No set guidelines apart from sharing what you're reading and your thoughts about it after you've read it.  You can refer to the earlier posts for reference  :)


Hello, I'm new here!! I was introduced here by a friend

Last month I read "Are you addicted" book 1 : this is a book that was adapted into a BL Cdrama "Addicted Heroin"

Currently: I'm reading "Are you addicted" book2: I almost finish with this (i'm a fast reader, lol) pages update: 625/966

also, I'm new so i dont know the rule and guide line in here so can someone help me out? thank you

Wow, you're a fast reader. I would love to have your talent.

Have fun here.


Wow, you're a fast reader. I would love to have your talent.

Have fun here.

Thank you, new update. Pages 754/966 now. Currently on chapter 100.


Hello, I'm new here!! I was introduced here by a friend

Last month I read "Are you addicted" book 1 : this is a book that was adapted into a BL Cdrama "Addicted Heroin"

Currently: I'm reading "Are you addicted" book2: I almost finish with this (i'm a fast reader, lol) pages update: 625/966

also, I'm new so i dont know the rule and guide line in here so can someone help me out? thank you

welcome, I had lucky with cdrama related books too, they tend to have fast pacing ^~^


welcome, I had lucky with cdrama related books too, they tend to have fast pacing ^~^

can you recommend some of them to me??? I'm almost finishing the book 865/966 pages. I think I only have one book to read now and I need more books


can you recommend some of them to me??? I'm almost finishing the book 865/966 pages. I think I only have one book to read now and I need more books

I read The legend of Condor Heroes, there is one official version but its full of holes in the translation, the fandom translation is better: https://wuxiasociety.com/translations/ there is epub and mobi files option, The Legend of Condor heroes, is not BL, is adventure and wuxia.


I read The legend of Condor Heroes, there is one official version but its full of holes in the translation, the fandom translation is better: https://wuxiasociety.com/translations/ there is epub and mobi files option, The Legend of Condor heroes, is not BL, is adventure and wuxia.

is it a bromance? Is there a drama that was adapted from it?


is it a bromance? Is there a drama that was adapted from it?

no, I don' t read those :( 

I think they are links in the forum drama,when there is novels about it 


is it a bromance? Is there a drama that was adapted from it?

the dramas has the same name: legend of the condor heroes


the dramas has the same name: legend of the condor heroes

My friend, how are you doing this March? I failed my February, how about you? 

My progress this March continuing the same book from february is at 64%. I hope to succeed this month. So I can start a new book on April.


My friend, how are you doing this March? I failed my February, how about you? 

My progress this March continuing the same book from february is at 64%. I hope to succeed this month. So I can start a new book on April.

as you said we are no competing, so I won't say mine now, its a secret for the next month resume ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و