
January was not my best reading month :(( hoping February is much better. Currently reading It's Not All Downhill From Here by Terry McMillan and hoping to read Legendborn by Tracy Deonn.  


*could've been a good book if it weren't for the odd remarks about Hawaiians and inappropriate joke towards a Palestinian character


*I personally didn't enjoy this book as much as I wanted to. I didn't like the writing style or the characters... didn't really like anything about it tbh


*picked this up cuz I didn't want to leave the library empty handed. I may try and finish it at another time


what an interesting quote. sounds like you had a good read!

It was! I'm glad I checked this one out. It's just a one-sitting easy read.


I read a few Colleen Hoover books back when she first started out and I remember liking them well enough, but now whenever I get tempted to check out her books, I ask myself if it will live up to the hype for me.

This is actually my first CoHo book, and I've been contemplating on whether to pick one up for a long time. I don't really vibe with her writing style. This book itself had a couple of elements that were NOT it.


It was! I'm glad I checked this one out. It's just a one-sitting easy read.

So I just finished reading it and I'M SO SAD?!?!?!!? omg T_T  it was really good thanks for posting about it.


So I just finished reading it and I'M SO SAD?!?!?!!? omg T_T  it was really good thanks for posting about it. 

xD yeah, it was touching... glad you like it!

Hello, I only read 2 books in January.


Our Violent Ends by Chloe Gong - This was the conclusion to the These Violent Delights duology.  I actually liked it better than the first book.  There was definitely more angst. xD

Neon Gods by Katee Robert - Apparently this is popular on Book Tiktok. A friend was talking about it, so I decided to check it out.   Silly me for going into a book blind.  This book is an erotica, which I really wasn't in the mood for.  However, it's a modern retelling of Hades and Persephone, which this part I actually found interesting.

For February, I'm currently reading the sequel to Neon Gods (modern retelling of Eros and Psyche) and the Dune series.

Hello, everyone! I'm an avid reader but lately, I've been suffering from some serious reading slump. 

I'm hoping that joining the club will inspire me to get back to reading again.

 autumn carrot:
Hello, everyone! I'm an avid reader but lately, I've been suffering from some serious reading slump.

I'm hoping that joining the club will inspire me to get back to reading again.

Welcome, dear friend!
You're not alone in this - most of us read significantly less books after entering drama-world XD


Welcome, dear friend!
You're not alone in this - most of us read significantly less books after entering drama-world XD

Yes, absolutely. I have to say, I feel a bit ashamed but between reading nonfiction for work and watching dramas, I've really neglected books lately. 

I'm trying to get back into it by reading Catriona Silvey's Meet Me in Another Life but it's slow-going.

 autumn carrot:
Yes, absolutely. I have to say, I feel a bit ashamed but between reading nonfiction for work and watching dramas, I've really neglected books lately. 

Same situation with me: reading nonfiction books, articles and papers for work on a weekly basis, plus my love for dramas and movies made me neglect my 'first love', aka books ^^

But reading friends' posts and recommendations about interesting books is making me put more effort into re-descovering the wonderful world of books!


Same situation with me: reading nonfiction books, articles and papers for work on a weekly basis, plus my love for dramas and movies made me neglect my 'first love', aka books ^^

But reading friends' posts and recommendations about interesting books is making me put more effort into re-descovering the wonderful world of books!

I can totally relate. I used to watch shows while doing other stuff but now because I have to read subtitles, I spend more time watching shows and I've been guiltily using reading time for that. 

I look forward to rediscovering my love for reading here in our community.

 autumn carrot:

Hello, everyone! I'm an avid reader but lately, I've been suffering from some serious reading slump. 

I'm hoping that joining the club will inspire me to get back to reading again. 

Welcome! I totally understand. Hopefully we'll inspire each other to read more and discover some gems.

In February I  read French novels.

Fatima Daas : La petite dernière (The youngest one)

It's the story of Fatima (it's an autofiction); French-Algerian, Muslim and lesbian. We immerse in the introspective monologue of Fatima. She writes about her strict and conservative family life to her meeting with Nina, the one that blew his world to smithereens.
Anne-Gaëlle Huon: Le bonheur n'a pas de rides (Happiness has no wrinkles)

The novel tells the story of the adventures of the octogenarian Paulette and her friends in the nursing home where her son has placed her against her will. It's a funny, light novel. It reminded me of my grandparents with their grumpy side, they know everything about everything bc, well, they lived. The characters are full of humanism, from the youngest to the oldest, and you can easily get attached to them.


I've been wanting to read French novels to help me preserve my French. Do you have any others you'd recommend?  


In February I  read French novels.

Fatima Daas : La petite dernière (The youngest one)

It's the story of Fatima (it's an autofiction); French-Algerian, Muslim and lesbian. We immerse in the introspective monologue of Fatima. She writes about her strict and conservative family life to her meeting with Nina, the one that blew his world to smithereens.
Anne-Gaëlle Huon: Le bonheur n'a pas de rides (Happiness has no wrinkles)

The novel tells the story of the adventures of the octogenarian Paulette and her friends in the nursing home where her son has placed her against her will. It's a funny, light novel. It reminded me of my grandparents with their grumpy side, they know everything about everything bc, well, they lived. The characters are full of humanism, from the youngest to the oldest, and you can easily get attached to them.

February wrap up 


smh i only read two books this month, both by CoHo. naturally i had high expectations from her and so far i can see why she has so much hype. i liked November 9 but Ugly Love smh was not it for me. maybe the loads of steamy scenes made me skim through the chapters without actually enjoying. November 9 was so cute and i enjoyed it a lot! definitely checking out more of her works and hopefully read more books in March!