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This was a great write up. Interesting to know there is a folklore horror theme park! My favourite anime shows is  'Hoozuki no Reitetsu' which revolves around Hoozuki, a demon that works for Yama aka king of hell.  And one of the reasons I find it interesting is because of the mythological aspect of horror (similar to the Chinese hells you mentioned, this has 8+8 Japanese Hells which are frozen and fiery). 

Thank you! :D  I did a check on the anime that you've mentioned, and it's now in my ptw list on netflix heh... Btw, have you watched  Along with the Gods? According to Korean beliefs, there's also several courts of hell and the movie depicts them.

BTW on a completely side note, my first article got published on MDL. Its not horror related but if you interested you can check it out here. Its about mythology tales.

That's a really great article! Tbh, I don't even know indigenous people of Taiwan existed because they are not being portrayed much. I'm interested in writing articles as well, but I think they're not accepting new writers due to some technical glitch :(

 awkward potato:
Btw, have you watched  Along with the Gods? According to Korean beliefs, there's also several courts of hell and the movie depicts them.

Yup, saw both installments. Entertaining movies! Hoozuki is episodic and not everyone's cup of tea but hope you find it entertaining enough!

Btw if you have an idea that you badly want to write on I am okay with collaborating if that's something you are comfortable with. 

I was actually thinking of writing a review/collation of reviews from everyone in occult club of our monthly watch movies after a few months or until sufficient reviews are collected. This would help us introduce our club as well. But I was thinking of waiting for a while before doing the same.

Let me know if that's something anyone on this club wants to collaborate on eventually. Or we can create a separate occult club id to publish these sorts of articles intermittently.

I was actually thinking of writing a review/collation of reviews from everyone in occult club of our monthly watch movies after a few months or until sufficient reviews are collected. This would help us introduce our club as well. But I was thinking of waiting for a while before doing the same.

This sounds good, but as what you've already mentioned, we need to get more reviews from the other members. If one person does about two reviews, we're able to collate quite a number.

Let me know if that's something anyone on this club wants to collaborate on eventually. Or we can create a separate occult club id to publish these sorts of articles intermittently.

I don't mind collaborating as I'm not that good a writer XD My last article was waaay back in 2013.  We can ask @perfect about whether to create another club, or this one is sufficient enough.

I do have some ideas on what we can write about. It might probably be great to publish either during the Hungry Ghost Festival, or a Halloween special. We can write about the different paranormal "species" from the 4 countries listed in MDL's database :)  Or we can a do a write up about popular urban legends? Or finding out real haunted places? 

Of course I would love that. You can discuss anything related to horror here actually so feel free~ 

@Fourthaxis and myself have some ideas about our little club, it'll be nice to have your opinion~ I'm also open to hearing everyone's thoughts and ideas :D

The id would be only if everyone wants to participate in writing an article. I don't think it's something to think about for right now. 

 awkward potato:
I do have some ideas on what we can write about. It might probably be great to publish either during the Hungry Ghost Festival, or a Halloween special. We can write about the different paranormal "species" from the 4 countries listed in MDL's database :)  Or we can a do a write up about popular urban legends? Or finding out real haunted places? 

Oh this sounds great! The species and reference to dramas starring them would be interesting to write on for Hungry Ghost festival. Maybe there is a movie that talks about the festival itself as well?

The id would be only if everyone wants to participate in writing an article. I don't think it's something to think about for right now. 

Sure, we'll put this aside for now ^^

Oh this sounds great! The species and reference to dramas starring them would be interesting to write on for Hungry Ghost festival. Maybe there is a movie that talks about the festival itself as well?

I know of one movie which revolves around Hungry Ghost Festival, but it's from Singapore. I'll try and check out whether there are any from HK and Taiwan, coz I think there's a ban on supernatural movies in China, right? Or did I get the wrong info...  But we can also do the species thing~ I haven't tried watching horror shows from the Philippines yet. 

 awkward potato:
 We can ask @perfect about whether to create another club, or this one is sufficient enough.

Another club? Well anyone is free to make a club so I'm not quite sure what you mean. If you would like to write articles pertaining to this club, then go wild. You have some great article topics already! I would be excited to read about them.

Hi everyone ☘︎  I became a lot interested in horror recently and would love to join this club to get to know more about this genre :) The only "horror" shows I have watched so far are Strangers from Hell (enjoyed this a lot), Sweet Home, Kingdom 1&2, Goedam and Death bell (movie). I'm aslo planning to watch Battle Royale and Gonjiam soon ^^

btw, the april challenge seems really great!


Hi everyone ☘︎  I became a lot interested in horror recently and would love to join this club to get to know more about this genre :) The only "horror" shows I have watched so far are Strangers from Hell (enjoyed this a lot), Sweet Home, Kingdom 1&2, Goedam and Death bell (movie). I'm aslo planning to watch Battle Royale and Gonjiam soon ^^

btw, the april challenge seems really great!

Welcome to the club! Those are all great picks. Battle Royale is probably one of my fav horror genres due to it igniting the battle Royale/death game genre. Gonjiam was also a really great watch we did for March's challenge!

I'm glad to hear that, I'm looking forward to watching them (when I finally have time)~ and seeing some people's  opinions~

Welcome to the club! Those are all great picks. Battle Royale is probably one of my fav horror genres due to it igniting the battle Royale/death game genre. Gonjiam was also a really great watch we did for March's challenge!

Thank you! I love death games too, that's why when I knew about Battle Royale I was really curious. :) (and I also found a few days ago that my dad had the dvd lol.)

So... we are already in April but I happened to have free time so better late than never ~

Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum  -  an easy watch 7,5/10

I didn't read the synopsis and went straight up watching it, and looking back I think that was better because  they practically  told us the whole story x), at least I was pranked a bit at the beginning. I liked the fact that it started off slow to be gradually scary, it had a great pacing, but I wish it was creepier (maybe it would have been better at night or FF is not my thing). Nevertheless, I enjoyed the acting (especially Ji hyun& Charlotte I was feeling her despair when she was locked up with that creepy naked person ) and the backstory of the asylum was interesting, even if I wished they told us more about the patients and room 402 as I was waiting for them to really open it lol.   Still, the way it was filmed made it entertaining, and at the end I must admit that Ji Hyun's voice was terrifying when she was possessed 0-0 +  it was cool to see that Ha Joon’s character was “punished” too for being too greedy.  :)

So... we are already in April but I happened to have free time so better late than never ~

Nice review, glad you enjoyed it! And I think youre right that it might have been even better without knowing the summary :] 

WOW!  Horror reccos, sign me up! Will start searching and watching these movies. 

 The Witty Psycho:

WOW!  Horror reccos, sign me up! Will start searching and watching these movies. 

Welcome to the club :)

Hello! I would like to join <3