
this was the night she followed GZY to the backhill. if I'm not mistaken. the murder scene is also in the backhill because it's where elder yue lives? or not?

Yes.  The back hill is where the Elders live.

Master Yue is a descendant of the Elder Yue.  He is a Wufeng spy?  That just doesn't make sense unless he is brainwashed.  He also knows about the Infinite Heat which Wufeng hasn't got a clue.

One odd fact is people in the back hill know about the Infinite Heat but those in the front hill have no clue unless they pass the three trials.

Young Master Yue - Guess we were right to say he has to be a part of something ! 

Guess we will find out really soon , where they are going with that... 

so now I want to know what's up all the elders seems suspicious to me now 

I wish they will just let us watch the rest of the episodes one time so we can binge watch it lol !! 

I want to know where this story is going 

Episode 4

GSJ mocked GZY about the latter noticing SGQ's beauty.  YWS stared at GZY who looked guiltily embarrassed. 

1. Young Master Yue is a direct descendant of late elder Yue - I doubt he would kill him as well as he knows everything about infite heat so if he is a Wufeng spy - wufeng would know about it already
also, Wufeng members has been trained for years, so I don't see how he could leave the back hill and do that, as we can see they are not allowed to leave the hill/valley (look even young Hua master had to hide fact he was in the front hill part of Gong mansion, so elder Hua had to lie that it was jade guard who fought SGQ)

2. The boat fight - it could be part of the second trial as GZY was supposed to learn his moves from the first part... so sort of homework check
Young master Yue either suspects YWS that she is from Wufeng, or he already knows she is from Wufeng - I am not sure if he had a chance to spot Yun Que ring on her neck. Or somehow he knows she has been infected with flies...  

We will see tomorrow whats really going on there.

3. The older brother - we only had seen the trailer and him fighting against YWS and SGQ
Thats why there is a theory he is still alive

4. Lady Wuji - I am not sure if she really is the Anonymous, who was hidden for 20 years and suddenly started to kill people, even the time she entered the mansion would fit the info provided by ravens.

5. SGQ today's confession - I think she really is from Gushan sect, however she is still Wufeng member.  Also its hard to say which one Wuji or SGQ is more skilled in martial arts. We had seen both of them grabbing YWS throat during fights... 


Trailer: My Journey to You

Is the above trailer that shows Gong Huan Yu fights against YWS and SGQ?  I can't find the scene.

In that trailer, GSJ is killed by Ha Ya Qi

SGQ and HYQ attack Ha Ya Shi

Ha Ya Shi attacks Xue Tongzi

GSJ is confusing me!! Does he care about SGQ after all? Even just a little?

I have a wild theory but what if GZY and GSJ are pretending to be enemies but secretly sharing information/working together? It is even a strategy YWS suggested to SGQ. It could be that GZY is acting like GSJ is accusing the wrong people who are close to him so that from the outside it looks like they are at odds. Of course it doesn't explain the little detail that he's clearly fallen for YWS and it doesn't look like he's pretending, meanwhile GSJ is openly on guard against his fiancé. Or again this can be easily explained away because that is how both their personalities are so it is easier to let people keep believing him. I might be setting myself up for disappointment but this is an explanation I've come up with for why he let her into the back hill, why he just let go the whole showing up in Ziyi's room at the brothel with that weak ass explanation. The look he shared with GSJ when they were questioning how YWS knew about the blade that killed the elder gave me pause. He may not be that dumb, or if he is, he better get smart quickly before he regrets it!

It seems to me that master Yue  has been leaving the Gong territory if not how was he able to meet Yun Que? No spy been able to enter the Gong place  between the time of Wu Ji did and now? Or am I wrong? 

 Sirry Usly:

According to the trailers.....this may not be true.....

I quoted someone, didn’t actually write that. I don’t think he’s dead either.

Just to throw this out here.... Maybe GZY isn't legit.  Could it be possible that the drug, YWS's raven gave her, to put her body in superior condition could also hide a pregnancy? You know, the drug she took to receive a gold token.


GSJ is confusing me!! Does he care about SGQ after all? Even just a little?

Maybe but he also said the GYZ that he will try another approach so I think he is still acting. I could be wrong of course. 

@ voldermortsunbae. I got that impression with they way they looked at each other when they  were finished  interrogating WuJi. 


It seems to me that master Yue  has been leaving the Gong territory if not how was he able to meet Yun Que? No spy been able to enter the Gong place  between the time of Wu Ji did and now? Or am I wrong? 

Wufeng did send a few assassins to the Gong valley but they were killed.  I think Master Yue is not a Wufeng spy but learnt the 'claw' technique from his 'lover', Yun Que.  

The narrative in the trailer says when a spy falls in love with her target, she ends in tragedy.  

So, here is my theory:

Yun Que fell in love with Master Yue and taught him the claw technique.  Master Yue being protective of the Gong family killed her.  That's why he prematurely aged due to depression.  He keeps her bangle for remembering the old time.

GYZ says he looks a few years older than him.  Yuan Zhi is around 18 to 19.

My head might explode with these questions we get after every episode and barely no answers lol. 

I saw someone earlier saying that move WuJi, Yue, HYS and SGQ used may not be completely WuFeng's move. I think it is reasonable to believe so and we should  not try and jump to conclusions cuz if it were indeed a move only spies used, then the whole Gong residence is full with spies and that is unreasonable. I reckon it may also be exclusive to Wufeng, if Yue and Wuji are deserters of some kind. But that also will be close to impossible in the case of Yue, as he cannot leave the residence or not for long at least, so he can train under WuFeng; he and WuJi being spies is also hella obvious to the whole plot that seems to confuse us even more after every episode.

 The part where WuFeng wants the Gongs to use Infinite Heat, if WuFeng really knew what Infinite Heat is, then the whole infiltration would be unnecessary, so WuMing did not disclose the entire info, but only bits. We also know WuMing has infiltrated 20 years ago, so that can clear YM Yue, who is a descendant of old elder Yue. As to whether WuJi is WuMing, I doubt that but I also do not completely deny it may be possible, but it'd be a disappointment if after this whole brainstorming session for weeks, we get a WuJi that is WuMing. The impact will be negative so I doubt it'd be her. 

On the above point that GZY and GSJ are working together, I've thought that may be possible ever since SJ said if ZY is a gong descendant he will accept him as SW. The way they bicker every second they see each other is sus ?? I think they are both playing their roles trying to confused everyone and WuMing specifically that they are at odds, when they are secretly working with each other. There have been instances I thought ZY's interaction with YWS is a little sus, he believes her from the get go, making everyone think he is naive, and I don't think he is that naive at all. 

Hopefully we get some answers in tomorrow's episode. ?