Disclaimer for newcomers:

Not everything that is posted by me in this thread is a theory I came up with. If you see quotation marks, it means it came from someone else in the comment section which I most likely credited. Also, I post theories/clues I see from Twitter here as well. Lastly, these are just speculations, and as each new episode airs, things are revised. 

Thread for clues or theories anyone has. Here's an image I found on the official weibo account. 

 Sirry Usly:

Thread for clues or theories anyone has. Here's an image I found on the official weibo account. 

According to this map, there are 4 levels in the assassin ranking. We know now from the 3 episodes that came out that Shangguan Qian went from chi to mei and Yun Wei Shan went from mei to chi (this was revealed in ep 3). We also know that Han Ya Si and Han Ya Qi are their "ravens" and according to this ranking system, Han Ya Si who is Ayun's raven is at a higher level than SGQ's raven. They are a part of the "raven system?" we don't exactly know what that is yet. 

We know that Ayun's mission is to marry the sword wielder and SGQ's mission is to marry Gong Shang Jue. We also know that Gong Huan Yu and Gong Hong Yu died under mysterious circumstances but that poison was involved. Ming Wu Ji who is the concubine, was at the scene of the crime but did not see what occurred because she stepped out of the room and the other excuses that she gave. The guards backed up her story. 

Lastly, the Wufeng sect leader did not order Gong Huan Yu and Gong Hong Yu to be killed so right now they are confused about what's happening as well. Finally, in a month's time, someone will come to get information from Ayun and SGQ. If it's useful they will get a "cure" for the flies inside of them. Activation of the flies is not something any assassin can bear and is used to keep them in line/loyal. 

I'm missing some stuff but that's what I have so far. 

Oh also, Ayun and Han Ya Si, according to the trailers, seem to have known each other for a long time. However, from the first couple of episodes, it does not appear to be that way. The reason I am saying this is because, in the newest trailer, HYS is carrying what could possibly be the child version of Ayun in a cellar/jail of some sort looking out a barred window into the sun. But I could be wrong about this. 

Additionally, SGQ and her raven seem to be in love with each other. 

Also linking this comment from @justjacky here 

"Theory!!! I feel like YWS is of the highest rank and is pretending to be a Chi. Her trainer or whatever the name is, told her that if she succeeds in her mission he will grant her freedom. That is a huge reward!!! I think her mission is to take down the whole organization. I know we are shown she does silly things and almost gets caught however I feel that’s her strategy. Like with the lanterns, making it obvious its her but actually trying to get close to GZY. Also, at the beginning of ep 1, she drank the poison, which would seem like a mistake but then she says the medicine will only work after she drinks the poison. It shows how she seemingly does things wrong but it’s actually according to plan. And the other assassin girl keeps saying how smart YWS is for chi because she ain’t a Chi!

Also, the other assassin SQ who is of higher rank Mei said she had to do A LOT to get the rank and still needs the antidote, no talks about getting freedom. And the way her trainer looked when saying she wouldn’t handle the pain of the poison without the antidote, we see the pain in his eye. I’m sure he is poisoned too and needs an antidote every half month. He is stuck being a slave to the evil assassin organization. All of them are basically slaves. "

 Sirry Usly:
YWS is of the highest rank and is pretending to be a Chi.

I could see this but she was shocked when she had to take/swallow the fly eggs and HSY her raven had to explain to her what it was for. So it's likely that she was tasked with doing something else before and was not a part of the assassin system/ranking more than her being at the highest level. Otherwise, the whole fly thing would not have shocked her. 

 Sirry Usly:
huge reward

HSY has said several times not to trust anyone and has not be giving her all the details. Plus we know she is reluctant to kill innocents. So there is no way of knowing for sure if this reward is even guaranteed if she succeeds. We have also seen that people in their sect can be manipulative to get what they want. 

from @Ang9lShuxin  

"Yunzhiyu Notes to Remember:

4 Gong Family Lineages
Shang - forging weapons
Zhi - poisons and hidden weapons
Jue - outside affairs and family business and mediation of martial arts
Yu - internal affairs and defense of Gong Family

Wufeng Assassin's Levels: Chi, Mei, Wang, Liang
Chi being the lowest rank.

The three tokens for
Golden Token, White Jade Token, Wooden Token
Brides who will have Golden Token will stand in the first line at the bride selection"

Do y’all think FL’s raven is in love with her too? He seemed genuinely shocked at a lot of the female leaders voice’s plans. Also the way he talks to her seems like there’s a connection. 

Also, we know dad’s dead. What about bro? Could he be faking? I don’t know but something about that whole thing seems shaky. Maybe I’m just cautious because I’ve seen too many costume dramas (none xianxias) this year where the dead aren’t really dead and return to life despite mortal wounds lol. 

The vibe that I get from this series is like Chinese assassins creed/GoT lol.

Do y’all think FL’s raven is in love with her too? He seemed genuinely shocked at a lot of the female leaders voice’s plans.

There definitely seems to be something there. I'm not sure if it's love or what tbh. That will probably be explored more later. Honestly his interactions with her, though brief, confuse me. It gives off the vibe that they know each other well and for awhile but at the same time not. 

 Sirry Usly:

There definitely seems to be something there. I'm not sure if it's love or what tbh. That will probably be explored more later. Honestly his interactions with her, though brief, confuse me. It gives off the vibe that they know each other well and for awhile but at the same time not. 

I agree. I mean he’s still human. Maybe he’s in love or maybe he’s somehow related to her. He wants to help her but at the same time is hesitant. Also why send FL and SGQ and have them “switch” levels? If FL is some higher level like Liang, make her a Mei and keep the Chi a Chi. They sure know how to confuse ppl. 

 Sirry Usly:

Oh also, Ayun and Han Ya Si, according to the trailers, seem to have known each other for a long time. However, from the first couple of episodes, it does not appear to be that way. The reason I am saying this is because, in the newest trailer, HYS is carrying what could possibly be the child version of Ayun in a cellar/jail of some sort looking out a barred window into the sun. But I could be wrong about this. 

Additionally, SGQ and her raven seem to be in love with each other. 

I don't really think SGQ is in love with her raven. If I am able to read lu yu xiao's acting, then I would predict, that they are simple in a beneficial relation(kinda mutualism type you know) idk how to explain it, which couldn't exactly be labelled as lovers. She is probably just taking what she needs from her raven. Neither her nor her raven have romantic feeling for each other.

Ofc! It's just what I am predicting


Do y’all think FL’s raven is in love with her too? He seemed genuinely shocked at a lot of the female leaders voice’s plans. Also the way he talks to her seems like there’s a connection. 

Also, we know dad’s dead. What about bro? Could he be faking? I don’t know but something about that whole thing seems shaky. Maybe I’m just cautious because I’ve seen too many costume dramas (none xianxias) this year where the dead aren’t really dead and return to life despite mortal wounds lol. 

The vibe that I get from this series is like Chinese assassins creed/GoT lol.

Is that so, it gives me more of a feeling that her raven has probably watched her grow up( you know grow up kinda in a developement way) so maybe because he has watched her start from zero to the position today, hence he understands her even without her needing to say. It's kinda emotional bond you have for someone whom you have seen growing up.

I get what you’re saying. I also think that SGQ may really fall for her mission. As we know the leads will fall for each other too but that one’s obvious. I hope they explore the whole raven relationship to their marks or whatever they’re called. 24 episodes only and a lot to put in. Not to mention the actual whodunnit. 

Not sure if its just me, but Gong Shang Jue has a very sly demeanor. I can't tell if he stands side by side with the Gong family or if he is rebelling. It appears as so he wants to attain the sword wielder position based on ep 3 dialogue with his servant..

Not sure if its just me,

It's not just you and honestly, I feel like this demeanor is something his father picked up on because his face during ep 3. 

Status and rankings in the 2 sects

This video posted on Twitter helps explain the rankings and if you watch it you will see that there is a woman assassin who is ranked "wang" and is known as "South King" and "Situ Hong". Could this person be Ming Wu Ji? 

I feel like this is unlikely because it would be way too obvious but at the same time, this could be the case. 

Writing this before watching ep 4 by the way.