One interpretation is that he came late. But then, did he leave early too? The more widely assumed explanation was that Lin Lu Xiao died in the forest fire. He was only there in spirit watching her, crying because of his fallen brothers and their tragic ending. The foreshadowing was there with her parents, the convention date commemorating forest fire heroes, and the constant body/heart thing.  

I could go round and round with it in my head. I also wondered why we didn't see him at the end if he came in late. But he is supposed to be sitting in the front of the top right back row in front of the 4 grey chairs. They made it dark so I am not sure if we just cannot see him and they also cut off the part where he is supposed to be sitting except for a brief instance. Her parents' story runs parallel with their story. The ending really stayed with me for days and I had to get away from it. I really loved the couple. They were so good together but then from ep 35 on it went downhill with them being separated and never calling each other. On the one hand, I don't regret watching it, but on the other hand, it was so good seeing them together but so disappointing when they were apart for so long.