A short update to all subbers @Chansie , @yilongcat , @Shelly1323 , @blingelingeling , @zhijun
EP01 and 05 are on the drive and look super neat, I am very super ultra happy <333
MangoTV meanwhile uploaded another 4EPs of subs and made it to EP08. I am determained to continue, afterall as of today 18Eps have aired and I want to be able to follow the drama in real time as of next week! So I am editing EP09 right now and upload it in 2hs. I am not demotivated by this by one bit, right the opposite actually, I am on fire! I will clean up all EPs that are on youtube (till EP12) by tomorrow and then I need to see where I get those sweet sweet VIP EPs from (probably dramanice/cool/etc)
When we caught up with the VIP air date, I will contribute again to the subbing<3
I'm having a lot of fun doing something I like, and with a show I like a lot too <3 Fighting!
This makes me so happy to hear! I wish we could have a chat room on that google sheet omg I need more communication. I am so glad to hear that you are having a good time, too! <33
i've been busy these days so im sorry i wasn't able to help much ;;
Soon there will be the weekends and I am planning on going full in and get all the raws till Ep18!!! I am sure there will be enough to help out then XDDD
thank you so so much for organizing this
No need to thank me, I am loooving this so much. Working with you all together makes me truly happy<3