Hi all, I decided to post this here so that people can find the subs more easily. Also, I know the translations need improving and if people want, they can provide help/feedback here to make the subs better.

The video these subs relate to is this one, which has a compilation of deleted (and some not) scenes plus the latter part of the alternate ending:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUK02st5uu8

This is a side note, but I mentioned in a previous post that I think the best ending for the series is watching the last episode until 27:46 then watching this clip from 20:35. Just a personal thought anyway ;)

Here are a few disclaimers:

Firstly I don't speak Chinese, I only know a few basic sentences. It's probably one of the hardest languages to translate - there are so many idioms/phrases that don't make any sense when translated literally! I've tried my best to interpret what they're saying but I'm not sure I've done justice to the meaning of some of the lines.
I did all the work by myself so I've probably made mistakes. If you spot any, let me know and I'll fix them.

Secondly I've only re-timed subtitles in the past, I've never actually created subs from scratch or translated anything before. My sources are Google translate, snippets of other people's interpretations, and MGTV subs with my own edits. I asked my Chinese speaking friend for help with some of the sections without Chinese subs, but she has zero knowledge about the drama so did not have much of a context. Plus it's easy to mishear something - she seemed to hear the same line with completely different words each time and we both got confused!

Thirdly I decided to do this because I dearly love this series and wish that it got the attention it deserves. I don't mind if you share the subs elsewhere, all I ask is that you link back to MDL so that we get more traffic through here.

Anyone not knowing how to use soft subs, firstly download the .srt file. Then:

If you already have the video file (the duration of the file should be 26:10), rename the srt file so that it has the same name as the video file (ie. [videofilename].srt). The subtitles should automatically load when you play the video.

If you are watching the clip on youtube (link above), refer to Jen's "English Subs and Cut Scenes" thread on how to watch with the soft subs.

There are 2 versions of the subs. The first is the full version with episode numbers and timings of where each scene should fit. Unfortunately this version didn't take with the Chrome subs extension for youtube that I had - I think because it couldn't display two different subtitle lines at the same time, so I created a 2nd version for those who may experience this issue. Here are the download links - enjoy :)

Full version:

For youtube:


Alternate ending clip only - https://youtu.be/FC696_RYeEw

Subs: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ds428e5joafou93/Killer.And.Healer.ep37HE.srt/file

Psychiatric facility scene (Ep28 from 8:40) - 


Trans from 3:14 to 3:44 of the clip

JYL: I can tell you now
JYL: Whatever I JYL do
JYL: Whether right or wrong
JYL: I have no regrets

YTCxZJB's deleted scenes - 

The porridge "torture" scene:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OWOqtcUAg0 

Subs: https://www.mediafire.com/file/55dxos7148r306u/Killer_and_Healer_-_YTC-ZJB_deleted_scene_-_porridge.srt/file

The shaving scene - 

Video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTboh-_dBVs 

Subs: https://www.mediafire.com/file/lxds9b5zb28rc80/Killer_and_Healer_-_YTC-ZJB_deleted_scene_-_Shave.srt/file

Behind the Scenes subbed - Jiang Yue Lou & Chen Yu Zhi Praise Fest


Behind the Scenes - Adorable Chu Ran gets some revenge on little bro CYZ - soft subs
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u3zfcbor0o
subs: https://www.mediafire.com/file/tp57vsslzjkkvdz/Killer_and_Healer_BTS_-_Chu_Ran%2527s_Counterattack.srt/file

Thank you, you're amazing!

I love you haha Thank you so much! <3

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽