
If you remember from the trailer, there was a scene where Yan Hui and Tian yao seem to be pulling out a glowing sword together, I THINK thats where they retrieve his veins.

In the novel, Tian Yao falls his ass into lava which enables Yan hui to get kidnapped by her sect and sentenced to have her cultivation destroyed and it seems that sequence of events is mostly intact? since we seen Yan Hui in the same red outfit undergoing what seems to be a lightning punishment at Chen Xing Mountain.

^^^^ this - agree. The lava scene (from memory the english translation is tendons) and there was a whole pile of events because the sword was pulled out including death (almost) by whipping and TY rescue of YH at CXM.

Ep 20-21 trailer: what's happening? why was TY devilized?

It's to get couples trial, it's an illusion for them to see each others darkest moments to test their relationship in order to get the Ghost Euology book. Based on what it looks like in that preview 20-21.


It's to get couples trial, it's an illusion for them to see each others darkest moments to test their relationship in order to get the Ghost Euology book. Based on what it looks like in that preview 20-21.

So is this where also we saw the one where she was devilized cuz somebody said it was from episode 27 but it would make more sense to have it during their couples illusion

For the trailer 20-21 Is an illusion. But I also saw another trailer where I saw her devilize for another trailer. My prediction is she will practice demin cultivation (that might be the scene you're talking about; when she was a devil infront of all her Taoist mates) and take revenge on SY doing something bad to TY. (Maybe for trying to take the egg) This is my prediction bc in the novel there is no egg arc, and she doesn't devilize in the novel. She only practice demon cultivation with TY near the end to take revenge on her Senior being Killed by SY sister.

Yeah I see somewhere  that TY will die and reborn and YH will have to take care of him or something. Maybe that’s the part she will become devilized. Very different to novel. 


Yeah I see somewhere  that TY will die and reborn and YH will have to take care of him or something. Maybe that’s the part she will become devilized. Very different to novel. 

Yep - trying to tie novel and drama together now is like undoing a spaghetti ball of wool!

Haha yeah. It's not horrible but I just do really like the novel.  Excited to see how they everything unfolds in the drama too though. 

Hi , I wanted to know if TY dies and reborn (or something like that) in story or not ?

because I saw one of the posters in which TY was in an egg in YH hands and also  in some still cuts he looked so cute and innocent like baby T_T


Haha yeah. It's not horrible but I just do really like the novel.  Excited to see how they everything unfolds in the drama too though. 

The drama has the visuals.....but the book has been butchered....from the perspective of consistency and plotting the novel wins hands's like being fascinated with a train wreck in slow mo....can't stop watching even though it's careering towards an awful crash! That sounds harsh....would be less critical if hadn't read the novel first....can see why non-novelers are squeeing over the drama. Just thinking about what might have been.....

Yeah. I definitely love the story in the novel more, for the consistency of the relationship between leads and the non-typical conflict elements. I just have to treat the drama as a whole separate thing.

as someone who read the novel AFTER starting the drama, I'm treating the drama as a fanfiction xD 

I wonder.... could the hooded person be Qing Guan? Or are they going to just completely make the big bad from the Fox-clan? Of course drama is different and Zhu Li isn't the heir to the crown but like 7th Prince's son. But Qing Que's king's wife wrote Demon Bestowal and QG used to be her co-cultivator before she gave it up and married QQ's king.

The person who YH said had the voice of the Dark Lord looked like a Taoist and his face was obscured, so... But... if that's the case, the DL's face was already shown.


I wonder.... could the hooded person be Qing Guan? Or are they going to just completely make the big bad from the Fox-clan? Of course drama is different and Zhu Li isn't the heir to the crown but like 7th Prince's son. But Qing Que's king's wife wrote Demon Bestowal and QG used to be her co-cultivator before she gave it up and married QQ's king.

The person who YH said had the voice of the Dark Lord looked like a Taoist and his face was obscured, so... But... if that's the case, the DL's face was already shown.

I'm pretty sure Fu Yin has replaced Qing Guang as our Big Bad as he's getting the full Big Bad treatment. The structure for Qing Guang to still be the Big Bad simply isn't there (at least in how he was in the novel). His connection to the world though is still tenuous because we know (some of) the things he wants but not his full motivations or circumstances or even stance in the world.

At least at this point. I'm still 2 eps behind due to Life Being a Bitch, so I'm not in the loop yet on the newest info.

There was a quote by TY

"I actually waited 1000 years just to REUNITE with you"

Was this based on the novel too??? Because as I understand, they already knew each other 1000yrs ago???