I'm waiting on a horror-loving friend to get his act together to watch them. Maybe I should just start on them now :)

The Lone Ume Tree - About acceptance of difference and problems caused by those quick to judge. Cho-san has both learning disabilities and autism, needs his routines and works in a supported facility. He also has a great mum and difficult neighbours. It's honest and sensitive.

It's not that scary or maybe I'm used to it haha

I'm planning to watch it but today I decided to watch "BL Metamorphosis" and I loved it!! Really nice movie, heartwarming and adorable. 

It's not that scary or maybe I'm used to it haha

I'm planning to watch it but today I decided to watch "BL Metamorphosis" and I loved it!! Really nice movie, heartwarming and adorable.

i can be brave for that long :)

everything i've seen and heard about so far has been less heavy than i might have expected. not sure if i should go adorable with BL Metamorphosis or take on Twenty-Four Eyes tomorrow.


i can be brave for that long :)

everything i've seen and heard about so far has been less heavy than i might have expected. not sure if i should go adorable with BL Metamorphosis or take on Twenty-Four Eyes tomorrow. 

Don't worry, it's quite short but hope you enjoy it with your friend!

Really? I see but yiu should give a try for BL metamorphosis <3

Twenty-four eyes, it's an old movie right? I'm not sure if it's my cup of tea or not lol

yes, Twenty-Four Eyes is old. It's from the 1950s golden age of Japanese cinema, contemporary with Kurosawa, Ozu and Mitzoguchi.  Very well-received at the time but maybe hasn't held up as well as their gems? I've been intending to get back into watching that period so someone making it easy for me is a win :)

i will see BL M, probably sometime in the next few days. i'm daft enough to try to watch the entire festival after all.

I see! I'm not really used to watch this kind of old movies haha

Understandable! I wanted to watch The lines that define me but I think, I'll watch it tomorrow.

After all, we have 2 weeks to watch them, we can take our times!

I'm not really used to watch this kind of old movies haha

Then you still have Kurosawa to discover for the first time <3 <3 <3

From their website:

Welcome back to JAPANESE FILM FESTIVAL ONLINE! The Japan Foundation holds its third edition, the largest one ever for a month. A variety of 23 films will be delivered during the first two weeks, followed by two TV drama series for the subsequent two weeks. These will be streamed for free with subtitles in up to 16 languages, available in up to 27 countries/regions.

Oh, thank you!  Had no idea about this.  I appreciate it!

Oh, thank you! Had no idea about this. I appreciate it!

You're welcome. Please share your thoughts on those you see.


Father of the Milky Way Railroad - Beautiful, poetic melodrama depicting a romanticised and idealised life of an idealistic young man who, after his death, became one of Japan's most loved poets and writers.
Now to read some of his writings while this is still fresh in my mind.

Kenji, the young writer, is played by the male lead of We Made a Beautiful Bouquet. Such a good actor.

I'm going to make a VOTING LIST nearer to the end of the film section of the festival and will post the link in this thread. Make sure to look in later to vote for your favourites. No idea how I'm going to choose between some of them :)


I'm going to make a VOTING LIST nearer to the end of the film section of the festival and will post the link in this thread. Make sure to look in later to vote for your favourites. No idea how I'm going to choose between some of them :)

Please, do it it's interesting! :))


Please, do it it's interesting! :))

Done. Here's our Voting list for the festival (there's also a link in the OP at the top of thread).

I'm going to end up re-doing mine several times but it's better to have it going early, both for the fun of watching it fill up and change and in case anyone wants to use it for recommendations. I really wish we could just move the votes up and down like in a regular custom list. The horror shorts can't be included until MDL accepts my submissions for them. Hopefully they will, and before the festival ends.


Done. Here's our Voting list for the festival (there's also a link in the OP at the top of thread).

I'm going to end up re-doing mine several times but it's better to have it going early, both for the fun of watching it fill up and change and in case anyone wants to use it for recommendations. I really wish we could just move the votes up and down like in a regular custom list. The horror shorts can't be included until MDL accepts my submissions for them. Hopefully they will, and before the festival ends.

Thank you for your hardwork!

Yes it could be useful! I also hope they will. I wanted to submit as well but you did it in advance haha

Thank you for your hardwork!

You're welcome. I'm so happy people are finding this and watching. We were even briefly in the Hottest Discussions yesterday. Up there with the Count to 7 million thread 5555


You're welcome. I'm so happy people are finding this and watching. We were even briefly in the Hottest Discussions yesterday. Up there with the Count to 7 million thread 5555

Same! I think I'm going to share my thoughts on my feeds (mydramalist group), I forgot to do that. 

Really? That's a good news even for a short time