Skimmed this thread to see whether its worth picking up... Oh wells. Maybe something else for me.
Szasha wrote: I know. I never said so. :) I am just doing prevention work. *Points at herself* is reading the manga currently and doesn't
want to know how it ends. I already keep imagining a big hammer thrashing the remaining contestants because of what you wrote. :p

It's just you imagination, LOL :D No one's going to destroy anyone with a hammer, are you happy now?

I don't think the drama will live up to the manga in anything... it has something simple and down-to-earth feeling in it, and while reading the manga I was on the edge... I'll continue with this, just because I started, because I like Masaki-kun, and I'm interested in what lame solutions they have thought of for the players' powers and deaths... *evil grin*
bannie wrote: Skimmed this thread to see whether its worth picking up...

Oh wells. Maybe something else for me.

I wish I could say it's worth picking up but after having completed the second episode... meh.
I had/have a bad premonition for this drama.

VioletSakura wrote: It's just you imagination, LOL :D No one's going to destroy anyone with a hammer, are you happy now?

I don't think the drama will live up to the manga in anything... it has something simple and down-to-earth feeling in it, and while reading the manga I was on the edge... I'll continue with this, just because I started, because I like Masaki-kun, and I'm interested in what lame solutions they have thought of for the players' powers and deaths... *evil grin*

No, not really. :p
It's the same with me - it's not bad/boring enough to drop it but far from being mind-blowing and suspenseful.
Sooo, I didn't know there was a thread Anyways - my thoughts: I haven't read the manga nor seen the anime so I just take the drama as it is and I enjoyed it from the beginning till the end. Guess I'm weird but I didn't find any of the characters annoying :D
1st six episodes weren't all that I was expecting but it got better after it. Currently on episode 9.
this drama was too predictable for me. i can't remember but in ep 4 i could figure out the whole story. rest of it just boring :(
Just started watching this. Idk, I really liked the first 2 episodes but I found episode 3 to be really boring and cheesy :/ Idk if should continue watching since this drama doesn't really have good reviews. Buutt I love Okada Masaki and the actress that plays Yuno is so aodrable! Sighh, idk :/
ok mirai nikki is an amazing horror suspence love story and its one of my favs that i want to see more of, i was excited when i found out about the live action movie but upon reading the plot on it i began to think no its not right but , then i said nna maybe they have to change it a little just for copy right meh what ever ill watch it any way so i began to watch it and barely go 11 min into the first episode and turned it off its a pitiful excuse for an addition to a great series. there are only s few things right but the majority is wrong like the main character 1 Arata Hoshino and Yuno Furusaki, what the hell is this ? did they even take the time to read the manga or even watch the anime ? i guess not cause any one who has seen the series knows full well there names are gasai yuno and Yukiteru Amano and the whole plot that he gets the "future diary " is wrong too, so you take a kid who is supposed to be 14 middle school kid and makes him old enough to drink and be in collage and turns him into a social butterfly hes not hes a kid who only observed by being a "bystander " as he addresses him self in the series he has no friends unless you count deus and muru muru as friends but i wouldnt be so sure about that. in the movie yuno taps " arata " aka yuki on the shoulder and alerts him to the teachers location where as in the anime she has clay and is making a mini muru muru statue that the teacher stops to talk about with her and that gets yuki's attention that way over all there are way too many things to say about the movie vs the anime but these companys who make these live action movies need to watch or read the anime to make the movie a little plot twisting isnt bad *****SPOILER ALERT****** like once 1st world yuno kills herself for 2nd world yuki once second world muru muru proclaims that yuki is the winner of the game why not have him save yuno because his love for here is stronger than anything else, like he broke the barrier she put in place for him for pure happiness out of his love for her. not completely ruin the major stories with how the plot starts and names and everything else and i know the trolls and every one else are going to get allover this by say " oh its only small details " or " haha lolz learn 2 spell noob " but realy i dont care why take an amazing series and ruin it with a horrid movie