So basically im in love with all things Japan. manga, anime, dramas... you get the picture. well im totally obsessed with romantic comedies but ive kinda graduated from all the drama. imean every girl loves hott guys and a love triangle or two now and then (#`ε´#) (ikimen desu ne, lol) but really i dont want the whole, he loves me, he loves me not or i love him but he loves her. its ok but just not to much back and forth. BLAH ---what im trying to ask is- are there any good jdrama rom coms that dont have TOO much drama and arent TOO back and forth? i really enjoyed kimi wa petto and love shuffle if that helps. and its okay as long as the comedy outweighs the drama. please help?
One Pound Gospel or Otomen maybe? They are funny with a love story as a major plot point and I really enjoyed them both. Neither is as good as Love Shuffle or Kimi wa Petto (they're more similar to Hana Kimi) but lets face it, Love Shuffle and Kimi wa Petto are two of the very best romance jdramas.
Here about Here is Greenwood? It's an adorable drama based on my fave manga by the same name (I reccomend reading it) and it has love stories on the side so you don't deal too much with the back and forth, just toward the end. It's really funny though if you enjoy a good laugh. :3
thanks so much!!! ^_^ @asliceofkate- yeah i figured those two would be hard to beat hehe, but thank you for the recommendations! otomen has been on my list for a bit so i might start that next. i tried reading the manga but the art wasnt to my taste... so i think ill try the drama! thanks! @cipherink- awesome, i totally enjoy a good laugh xb ill be sure to check it out thankyouverymch!
Rich Man Poor Woman Itazura Na Kiss (2013) Last Cinderella
You should give these a try: Atashinchi no Danshi, Hotaru no Hikari 1 & 2, Switch Girl 1 & 2 (very funny), Stand Up!(very Funny!!)