Hot Gimmick -  hated it

 Ohinasama no Haircut
Story, the very common sick FL trope (repetitive but they're almost always good, make no mistake).
But the short length and amateurish overall production doesn't offer much.
Not recommended for nitpickers.

A Liar and a Broken Girl 9/10

Sayounara Konbanwa
Decent. A bit more story and development could've had more impact (for me to shed heavy tears). The ending is kinda predictable (Could've had a twist if it was from another country other than JP). The last scene was unnecessarily bad. 

Watashi no Miteiru Sekai ga Subete 
Portrayal of the inconsiderate & self-serving behavior of a human being can bring closure to their precious connections.


Ajin - Demi Human  

Its not a trope I usually watch, but I liked it a lot.  Sato Takeru is the lead and probably why. 

I wanted to watch this, but it seems like it's horror and I'm a wimp. Is it really scary?

I watched As Long As We Both Shall Live on the planed in June. I liked it. I'm watching the anime, My Happy Marriage, on Netflix USA now, but I think it doesn't cover everything the movie did. I'm guessing there will be a second season.


Hot Gimmick -  hated it

lol why? for me it was really good movie!

Revenge (1964) - the little brother of Harakiri (1962), the same critique of the bushido system. What a great year of the japanese cinema it was, this was maybe the fifth or the sixth movie that I loved from 1964.

Episode 3 of "My Universe" (Thailand, 2023) a.k.a. episode 1 of "Marry Go Round".

Shiawase no Masukatto
Average slice of life. But, Fukumoto Riko's smile is refreshing as they said in the film, true.

Summer, childhood, memory of joy, and sadness. This was like a can filled with all kinda emotions.
I'll take it as a hidden gem.

Tokyo Tower: Mom and Me, and Sometimes Dad (2007) - story of the relationship between a mother and her son throughout their lifes, with lead role played by the wonderful Kirin Kiki.  It is such a shame that Yayako Uchida, who was playing the young mother, hasn't had roles in more movies. I saw her only in The Wandering Moon  beside this film and she had such a nice face and expressing eyes. She somehow reminds me of my grandmother even though she is not even half of her age :).

P.S: I have just realized this site isn't even featuring Yayako Uchida among the cast of the film  even though she is playing one of the main roles. WTF! I tried to add her to the cast but she is not shown on the page of the movie.