
The drama is based on the same-titled manga which showcases a very unorthodox hero that uses every dirty little trick to resolve the open cases. Kurokouchi Keita is the black sheep of the police force. He works alone, and doesn't think twice about extorting money from the dirty politicians by getting hold of their achilles heels. Using the money and whatever bits of information acquired through underhanded means, he gets closer and closer to the ultimate unresolved crime of the Showa era; the 300 million bank heist.
One day, the new rookie Seike Mayo, is assigned as Kurokouchi's partner. Excellent, but naive, she is the exact opposite of Kurokouchi, but nonetheless, the duo combi relentlessly chase down the criminals


Nagase Tomoya as Kurokouchi Keita
Gouriki Ayame as Seike Mayo
Kashii Yu as Sawa Machiko
Riju Go as Kakizaki Kiyohiko
Koichi Mantaro as Ushii Takeshi
Hasegawa Tomoharu as Isomura Tetsuya
Endo Kaname as Tsubokura Taichi
Kawakita Mayuko as Tenten
Azuma Mikihisa as Goto Kaname
Kaneko Ken as Shima Mitsuo
Daichi Yasuo as Yakushizi Makoto
Kazama Morio as Dojima Noriyuki
Watabe Atsuro as Sawawatari Kazunari
Ito Masayuki as Tatsui Hideki
Kawamura Yosuke as Isomura Tetsuya
Ishimaru Kenjiro as Goda Bungo
Ogi Shigemitsu as Hashimoto Shunji


I recently started this, it's really intriguing and exciting. It's dedicated to Detective/Mystery dramas lovers.
I am going to watch this when it finishes airing. How many episode does it have? Also, the end of the preview made me laugh :D
I am also watching it after it finishes airing. I heard good stuff about this drama and it does sound intriguing.
Dior wrote: I am going to watch this when it finishes airing. How many episode does it have?
Also, the end of the preview made me laugh :D

I think it's seven episodes but I am not so sure and yeah the ending, Nagase was embarrassed because Watabe and even Gouriki didn't react to his "Seeeekei" LOL
I am watching this and it's extremely interesting; I am so glad that they decided to sub it. Nagase Tomoya all the way! I hate the female lead's character; she's so annoying.
CheerfulSoul wrote: I think it's seven episodes but I am not so sure and yeah the ending, Nagase was embarrassed because Watabe and even Gouriki didn't react to his "Seeeekei" LOL

Nagase is being naughty as usual and Watabe...well, he's Watabe :D

I am also watching this and like most of you; I am really enjoying the dark detective plot and the mysteries.
I'm just start watching this show. I dont think gouriki's roles is necessary, atsuro watabe seems one of the key character but he already arrested and quit from governor election, and Kurokouchi charcter is quite confusing dunno wheter to siding on him or not, he commited alot of crime such as killing and bribing. the ending of 1st eps make me want to know more
I watched two episodes of this drama and I can say that I really like it. It's a great mystery thriller so far.
I just wanted to point something out; the 300 million Yen case is based on true events.
Aphrodity wrote: I just wanted to point something out; the 300 million Yen case is based on true events.

I know... I think that makes the Drama a bit more interesting.

I've read that the ratings are really low... I wonder why? Personally I think that's because of Gouriki Ayame. She has been in 9 Dramas since 1012. It really was/is a Gouriki-boom... I think lots of people got tired of her. Unfortunately I don't really like her either and I think she is miscasted in "Kurokouchi"... but well, that's something that can't be changed. The story is pretty good and I like the humour and the crime atmosphere... that makes up for the one miscast.
Aphrodity wrote: I just wanted to point something out; the 300 million Yen case is based on true events.

I am doing my best not to search this up and find out the truth behind the real case; I seriously want to know but I am afraid I will ruin the drama's suspense so I decided to let it surprise me.

MachiavellismX wrote: I know... I think that makes the Drama a bit more interesting.

I've read that the ratings are really low... I wonder why? Personally I think that's because of Gouriki Ayame. She has been in 9 Dramas since 1012. It really was/is a Gouriki-boom... I think lots of people got tired of her. Unfortunately I don't really like her either and I think she is miscasted in "Kurokouchi"... but well, that's something that can't be changed. The story is pretty good and I like the humour and the crime atmosphere... that makes up for the one miscast.

I have nothing against Gouriki although I do believe she's not a great actress but what bothers me the most is her character; it's such a waste of space and I really dislike the way she state the facts and the way she talks; a useless character from any angle you look at it.

Gouriki's character is my only complain in this drama. For me, I do believe that this is one of the better dramas of the Fall season if it's not the best and I don't care about the ratings, sometimes the time of airing plays a big role in people's liking. This is one of the times where I have to disregard Japan's ratings although I have some good faith in it.
kurokouchi, i am liking this drama. it had nagase in it, which is a must watch. normally i would not watch this since gouriki is in it and as much as i think she is a cute and nice girl, she sucks when it comes to acting u.u especially the role she is playing right now is just so robotic and strange. but i am putting up with her because i am enjoying nagase.
Whoever saying that he/she dislikes the main actress, I am with you on this; she's horrible and her character is even worst. Other than that, Kurokouchi rocks!
CheerfulSoul wrote: I am doing my best not to search this up and find out the truth behind the real case; I seriously want to know but I am afraid I will ruin the drama's suspense so I decided to let it surprise me.

Oh, don't worry, you can check it out. I did the same after the third Episode haha There are not that much information about it, because it's like said an unsolved case. Almost all the information that had gone public have we seen in Episode 1.
I didn't know this was a real case; ineresting. I like this drama even more now.